Capturing Connection: A Rainy Day in Kirstenbosch Blossoms

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Capturing Connection: A Rainy Day in Kirstenbosch Blossoms Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het skitterend oor die Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin geskyn, en laat-somer het die tuin met 'n tapyt van kleure gevul.En: The sun shone brilliantly over the Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin, and late summer filled the garden with a carpet of colors.Af: Natuurliefhebbers en foto-enthousiaste het die tuin soos bye na 'n blom bestorm.En: Nature lovers and photography enthusiasts swarmed the garden like bees to a flower.Af: Dit was 'n perfekte dag vir 'n buitelugfotografiewerkswinkel, en Jaco het opgewonde maar bietjie senuweeagtig gevoel.En: It was a perfect day for an outdoor photography workshop, and Jaco felt excited but a little nervous.Af: Jaco, met sy kamera styf in die hand, het die roete gevolg na waar die groep sou bymekaarkom.En: Jaco, with his camera tightly in hand, followed the path to where the group would gather.Af: Hy was nie die beste met nuwe mense nie, maar sy liefde vir fotografie het hom hierheen gelok.En: He wasn't the best with new people, but his love for photography had brought him here.Af: "Vandag gaan ek iets nuuts leer," het hy vir homself gefluister.En: "Today I'm going to learn something new," he whispered to himself.Af: Reg voor hom het Elmarie gestaan, haar energieke geaardheid dadelik opvallend soos sy met ander gesels en lag.En: Right in front of him stood Elmarie, her energetic demeanor immediately noticeable as she chatted and laughed with others.Af: Elmarie het pas hierheen verhuis en was net so gretig om mense te ontmoet as om haar fotografievaardighede te slyp.En: Elmarie had just moved here and was as eager to meet people as she was to hone her photography skills.Af: Sy het 'n glimlag na Jaco gestuur, wat hom effens oorbluf gelaat het.En: She sent a smile Jaco's way, leaving him slightly flustered.Af: Ná 'n rukkie kon hy uiteindelik die moed bymekaar skraap om na haar toe te stap.En: After a while, he finally managed to muster the courage to walk over to her.Af: "Ekskuus," het hy terughoudend begin, "Wil jy 'n paar wenke hê oor hoe om die perfekte skoot te kry?En: "Excuse me," he began hesitantly, "Would you like some tips on how to get the perfect shot?"Af: "Elmarie het stralend geglimlag.En: Elmarie beamed with a smile.Af: "Dit sal fantasties wees!En: "That would be fantastic!"Af: " het sy geantwoord, haar entoesiasme amper aansteeklik.En: she answered, her enthusiasm almost infectious.Af: Hulle het begin geklets en hul liefde vir die natuur en fotografie gedeel.En: They began to chat and shared their love for nature and photography.Af: Alhoewel Elmarie se energie soms oorweldigend gevoel het, het Jaco stadigaan gemakliker begin voel.En: Although Elmarie's energy sometimes felt overwhelming, Jaco gradually started to feel more comfortable.Af: Die werkswinkel was 'n groot sukses, en tydens 'n breek het die instrukteur aangekondig dat hulle 'n groepoefening sou doen.En: The workshop was a great success, and during a break, the instructor announced that they would do a group exercise.Af: Jaco en Elmarie is saam gepaar.En: Jaco and Elmarie were paired together.Af: Soos hulle planne beraam het vir hul foto's, het donker wolke onverwags oor die tuin begin saamtrek.En: As they planned their photos, dark clouds unexpectedly gathered over the garden.Af:...