Chasing Lions: A Rain-soaked Safari Adventure
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Chasing Lions: A Rain-soaked Safari Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die droë lug was verfris deur die winterreën, en die Kruger Wildtuin was volgemaak met die reuk van klam aarde en vars blare.En: The dry air was refreshed by the winter rain, and the Kruger National Park was filled with the scent of damp earth and fresh leaves.Af: Die bome van die bosveld was greedig groen, en die horison strek eindeloos oor die savanne.En: The trees of the bushveld were greedily green, and the horizon stretched endlessly over the savanna.Af: Thabo, Inge, en Kobus was in die oop safari-voertuig, hulle oë skerp gefokus op die wildernis voor hulle.En: Thabo, Inge, and Kobus were in the open safari vehicle, their eyes sharply focused on the wilderness before them.Af: Thabo het sy kamera gereed gehou.En: Thabo kept his camera ready.Af: Hy het gedroom oor 'n foto van 'n trots leeus in hul natuurlike habitat, die tipe beeld wat in tydskrifte verskyn.En: He dreamt of a photo of a pride of lions in their natural habitat, the type of image that appears in magazines.Af: Vir Inge, wat altyd 'n bietjie benoud was oor vrylopende diere, was elke geluid vanuit die bos 'n mengsel van afwagting en spanning.En: For Inge, who was always a bit anxious about roaming animals, every sound from the bush was a mix of anticipation and tension.Af: Kobus, met sy kalm stem en uitgebreide kennis, het hulle hoop gegee.En: Kobus, with his calm voice and extensive knowledge, gave them hope.Af: "Leeu-spots is skaars na hierdie reën," het Kobus gesê, "maar ons sal ons kans waag.En: "Lion sightings are rare after this rain," Kobus said, "but we'll take our chances."Af: "Die hemel was donkerder met wolke wat swaar aan die horison gehang het.En: The sky was darker with clouds hanging heavily on the horizon.Af: Reën het weer begin val, en die pad was gladde modder wat onder die wiele geskuifel het.En: Rain started falling again, and the road was slick mud shuffled under the wheels.Af: "Ons kan omdraai en wag vir 'n beter weer," het Inge voorgestel.En: "We can turn back and wait for better weather," Inge suggested.Af: Sy het deur haar reënjas getrek en na die dreigende wolke gekyk.En: She pulled at her raincoat and looked at the threatening clouds.Af: "Nee, kom ons hou aan," het Thabo daarop aangedring.En: "No, let's keep going," Thabo insisted.Af: Sy passie het deur sy woorde gebreek.En: His passion broke through his words.Af: "Miskien klaarlig die weer net betyds.En: "Maybe the weather will clear just in time."Af: "Kobus het met sy ken gestem, en so het hulle voortgedruk deur die motreën, die blare wat nat teen die voertuig geklap het.En: Kobus nodded in agreement, and so they pressed on through the drizzle, the leaves wetly slapping against the vehicle.Af: Die geluid van die reën het 'n ritme gehad wat kalmerend was, selfs vir Inge.En: The sound of the rain had a rhythm that was calming, even for Inge.Af: Na 'n paar uur het die reën geleidelik bedaar.En: After a few hours, the rain gradually subsided.Af: 'n Streak van helder lug het deurgebreek en die veld begin verlig.En: A streak of clear sky broke through and began to light up the field.Af: Kobus het skielik sy hand opgesteek.En: Kobus suddenly raised his hand.Af: "Kyk daar!En: "Look there!"Af: "Op 'n rots in die verte,...