Climbing Table Mountain: A Journey of Beauty and Responsibility
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Climbing Table Mountain: A Journey of Beauty and Responsibility Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het pas begin uitkom agter die hoë berge.En: The sun had just begun to emerge from behind the high mountains.Af: Johan het sy rugpak gegryp en begin stap.En: Johan grabbed his backpack and started walking.Af: Vandag was die dag.En: Today was the day.Af: Hy gaan Tafelberg klim.En: He was going to climb Table Mountain.Af: Die voetpad was glad en klipperig.En: The footpath was slippery and rocky.Af: Hy het voetjie vir voetjie na bo gestap.En: He walked step by step upward.Af: Die lug was koel en skoon.En: The air was cool and clean.Af: Johan kon die voëls hoor sing.En: Johan could hear the birds singing.Af: Hy het gedink aan die pragtige uitsig wat hom wag.En: He thought about the beautiful view awaiting him.Af: Uiteindelik, na 'n lang stap, het hy bo gekom.En: Finally, after a long walk, he reached the top.Af: Daar lê Kaapstad voor hom.En: Cape Town lay before him.Af: Hy kon die see sien, die strate, die huise.En: He could see the sea, the streets, the houses.Af: Alles was baie klein van so hoog bo.En: Everything looked very small from such a height.Af: Johan het op 'n rots gesit en asem gehaal.En: Johan sat down on a rock and caught his breath.Af: "Dit is pragtig," het hy vir homself gesê.En: "It is beautiful," he said to himself.Af: Hy het sy kamer gestel en foto's geneem.En: He set his camera and took photos.Af: Die stad het geskitter in die sonlig.En: The city sparkled in the sunlight.Af: Skielik hoor Johan 'n geluid.En: Suddenly, Johan heard a sound.Af: Hy draai om en sien 'n man.En: He turned around and saw a man.Af: Die man dra 'n groot sak vol afval.En: The man was carrying a big bag full of trash.Af: Johan voel hartseer.En: Johan felt sad.Af: Die pragtige Tafelberg word besoedel.En: The beautiful Table Mountain was being polluted.Af: Johan het opgeklim om rustig te wees.En: Johan had climbed to find some peace.Af: Hy wil nie stry nie.En: He did not want to argue.Af: Maar hy kon nie stilbly nie.En: But he could not remain silent.Af: "Verskoon my," sê Johan.En: "Excuse me," Johan said.Af: "Wat maak jy?En: "What are you doing?"Af: "Die man kyk hom aan.En: The man looked at him.Af: "Ek gooi hierdie weg," sê hy.En: "I'm throwing this away," he said.Af: "Maar waarom hier?En: "But why here?"Af: " vra Johan.En: Johan asked.Af: "Tafelberg is so mooi.En: "Table Mountain is so beautiful.Af: Ons moet dit beskerm.En: We should protect it."Af: "Die man huiwer.En: The man hesitated.Af: Hy kyk na die sak en dan na Johan.En: He looked at the bag and then at Johan.Af: "Jy is reg," sê die man uiteindelik.En: "You are right," the man finally said.Af: Johan bied aan om te help.En: Johan offered to help.Af: Hy en die man het die afval opgetel en dit na die regte plek geneem.En: He and the man picked up the trash and took it to the proper place.Af: Hulle werk hard en vinnig.En: They worked hard and...