Courage on Tafelberg: Conquering Fear and Finding Strength

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Courage on Tafelberg: Conquering Fear and Finding Strength Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son het pas begin styg oor Kaapstad, en die blomme op Tafelberg het in helder kleure geblom.En: The sun had just begun to rise over Kaapstad, and the flowers on Tafelberg bloomed in bright colors.Af: Dit was lente, en die berg was pragtig.En: It was spring, and the mountain was beautiful.Af: Johan en Annelie het reeds vroeg hul rugsakke gereed gemaak, gereed vir die avontuurlike dag voor hulle.En: Johan and Annelie had already prepared their backpacks early, ready for the adventurous day ahead of them.Af: Johan het lank gewag om die Tafelberg te klim.En: Johan had long waited to climb Tafelberg.Af: Hy het altyd 'n passie vir avontuur gehad, maar diep binne het 'n geheim hom gepla: hy was bang vir hoogtes.En: He had always had a passion for adventure, but deep inside, a secret troubled him: he was afraid of heights.Af: Annelie, 'n toegewyde mediese student, het saam met Johan gekom.En: Annelie, a dedicated medical student, accompanied Johan.Af: Sy was vasbeslote om haarself te bewys.En: She was determined to prove herself.Af: Sy was bang dat sy dalk sou misluk as daar 'n mediese noodgeval sou plaasvind, maar sy wou haarself wys dat sy gereed was vir enige uitdaging.En: She was afraid that she might fail if a medical emergency occurred, but she wanted to show herself that she was ready for any challenge.Af: Die bergpad was rotsagtig en steil.En: The mountain path was rocky and steep.Af: Johan het vinnig beweeg, maar steeds was daar iets in sy stap wat huiwerig was.En: Johan moved quickly, but there was still something hesitant in his step.Af: Annelie het agter hom gestap, bewus van sy geheime vrees.En: Annelie walked behind him, aware of his secret fear.Af: Sy het hom geken en geweet hierdie klim was vir hom 'n groot stap.En: She knew him and knew that this climb was a huge step for him.Af: Die wind het begin waai toe hulle hoër gestyg het.En: The wind started to blow as they climbed higher.Af: Johan se hande het geklam geraak, sy hart het vinniger begin klop.En: Johan's hands became clammy, his heart started to beat faster.Af: Skielik, op 'n smal rotsrand, het hy gegly.En: Suddenly, on a narrow rocky edge, he slipped.Af: Met 'n yslike slag het hy op die grond geval, 'n ruk later het stilte weer oor die berghang gesak.En: With a huge crash, he fell to the ground, and moments later, silence fell over the mountainside again.Af: Annelie het vinnig reageer.En: Annelie reacted quickly.Af: Haar hart het ook vinniger geklop, nie net van die skrik nie, maar van die bewustheid dat dit haar oomblik was om te bewys wat sy kon doen.En: Her heart also beat faster, not just from the fright, but from the awareness that this was her moment to prove what she could do.Af: Sy het na Johan gehardloop en op haar knieë langs hom neergesak.En: She ran to Johan and knelt beside him.Af: "Johan, bly by my," het sy kalm gesê, alhoewel haar eie hande gebewe het.En: "Johan, stay with me," she said calmly, although her own hands were shaking.Af: Sy het haar noodhulpkennis gebruik en gou sy beserings begin beoordeel.En: She used her first aid knowledge and quickly began to assess his injuries.Af: Sy het haar selfoon uitgehaal en hulp ontbied, die seine swaar in haar stem, maar tog vasberade.