Courage Under Sterile Lights: Annelie's Path to Discovery

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Courage Under Sterile Lights: Annelie's Path to Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die winterlug buite was koud en skrams, maar binne die mure van die hospitaal was dit warm en lewendig.En: The winter air outside was cold and brisk, but inside the hospital walls, it was warm and lively.Af: Annelie, 'n ywerige student met droom van 'n loopbaan in geneeskunde, het haarself vasbesluit oor hierdie velduitstappie.En: Annelie, a diligent student dreaming of a career in medicine, was determined about this field trip.Af: Dit was haar kans om uit te vind of die mediese veld werklik vir haar was.En: It was her chance to discover if the medical field was truly for her.Af: Saam met haar was Jaco, haar getroue vriend, wat self 'n bietjie ongemaklik gevoel het van die hospitaal.En: Accompanying her was Jaco, her loyal friend, who felt a bit uneasy about the hospital.Af: “Dit ruik soos dokterspille hier,” het hy met 'n glimlag probeer grap, maar Annelie kon sien hy was senuweeagtig.En: "It smells like doctor pills in here," he joked with a smile, but Annelie could tell he was nervous.Af: Hul groep het 'n gids gehad, Pieter, 'n ouer seun wat in sy finale jaar was.En: Their group had a guide, Pieter, an older student in his final year.Af: Hy het altyd 'n kalmte gehad wat respek en bewondering afgewek het.En: He always had a calmness that evoked respect and admiration.Af: Die hospitaal se gange was helder verlig en vol aktiwiteit.En: The hospital corridors were brightly lit and full of activity.Af: Die klank van trollies wat rol, dokters wat praat en die sagte piep van mediese toerusting was alomteenwoordig.En: The sound of rolling trolleys, talking doctors, and the soft beep of medical equipment was omnipresent.Af: Die reuk van antiseptiese middels hang in die lug soos ononderbroke herinneringe aan die ernstigheid van die plek.En: The smell of antiseptics hung in the air like unbroken reminders of the seriousness of the place.Af: Annelie se hart klop vinnig terwyl hulle 'n chirurgiese saal nader.En: Annelie’s heart beat quickly as they approached a surgical room.Af: Sy wou soveel vrae vra, maar sy huiwer steeds.En: She wanted to ask so many questions, but she still hesitated.Af: Dit was een ding om oor medisyne te lees, maar heeltemal anders om dit uit die regte wêreld te ervaar.En: It was one thing to read about medicine, but entirely different to experience it in the real world.Af: Jaco het sy oë gefokus op sy skoene, vermy om na die steriele kamers te kyk.En: Jaco focused his eyes on his shoes, avoiding looking at the sterile rooms.Af: Hy het geglimlag, nog steeds Annelie sy ondersteuning gebied, al was sy gesig 'n paar tinten ligter van kleur.En: He smiled, still offering Annelie his support, though his face was a few shades paler.Af: “Ek moes jou sê,” het Pieter begin en die groep stilgemaak.En: "I should tell you," Pieter began, quieting the group.Af: “Ek is hier omdat die mediese veld belangrik is, maar...” Hy het na sy woorde gesoek.En: "I'm here because the medical field is important, but..." He searched for his words.Af: “Ek het self getwyfel. Ek dink ek wil iets anders doen. Soos kuns. Dit is moeilik om voor almal te bely.”En: "I've had doubts myself. I think I want to do something else. Like art. It's hard to admit in front of everyone."Af: Sy eerlikheid het...