Cracking the Code: Detective Charl's Casino Showdown

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Cracking the Code: Detective Charl's Casino Showdown Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die nag bo Kaapstad was helder en gespanne.En: The night over Cape Town was bright and tense.Af: Berg en stad saamgevat in 'n blink spel lig en skadu.En: Mountain and city captured in a dazzling play of light and shadow.Af: Charl staan op die dak van die casino.En: Charl stands on the roof of the casino.Af: Hy kyk na die spel tafels en die spelers.En: He looks at the gaming tables and the players.Af: Charl, 'n private speurder, sit aan die poker tafel.En: Charl, a private detective, sits at the poker table.Af: Hy het 'n missie: vind die bedriegter.En: He has a mission: find the cheater.Af: Huurbaar deur die casino, hy moet sorg dat die spel reg bly.En: Hired by the casino, he must ensure the game remains fair.Af: Langs hom sit Jannie.En: Next to him sits Jannie.Af: Jannie lyk ontspanne, maar Charl weet hy is meer as wat hy wys.En: Jannie looks relaxed, but Charl knows he is more than he appears.Af: Die wind waai koud en ysig oor die dak.En: The wind blows cold and icy over the roof.Af: Binne is die atmosfeer warm en gespanne.En: Inside, the atmosphere is warm and tense.Af: Spelers kyk na hul kaarte en mekaar.En: Players look at their cards and each other.Af: Chips word gestapel, inskrywings gemaak.En: Chips are stacked, bets are placed.Af: Charl bestudeer elke beweging, elke oogwenk.En: Charl studies every movement, every blink.Af: Hy merk hoe Jannie se vingers liggies beweeg oor sy kaarte, asof hy iets aanvoel.En: He notices how Jannie’s fingers lightly move over his cards, as if sensing something.Af: Elke speler speel sy hand.En: Each player plays his hand.Af: Charl maak klein weddenskappe, niks te opvallend.En: Charl makes small bets, nothing too noticeable.Af: Hy kyk hoe Jannie telkens wen, amper te maklik.En: He watches how Jannie wins repeatedly, almost too easily.Af: Charl weet hy moet nader aan Jannie kom, nader aan die waarheid.En: Charl knows he must get closer to Jannie, closer to the truth.Af: "All in," sê Jannie skielik.En: "All in," says Jannie suddenly.Af: 'n Paar spelers trek terug, maar Charl bly kalm.En: A few players pull back, but Charl remains calm.Af: Hy maak 'n groot weddenskap, wetend dit is sy plan om die bedriegter vas te trek.En: He makes a big bet, knowing this is his plan to catch the cheater.Af: Jannie glimlag, seker van homself.En: Jannie smiles, confident in himself.Af: Charl het lank na Jannie gekyk.En: Charl had watched Jannie for a long time.Af: Elke keer as Jannie 'n goeie hand kry, tap hy sy voet effens.En: Every time Jannie gets a good hand, he taps his foot slightly.Af: Dis 'n klein teken, maar genoeg vir Charl.En: It’s a small sign, but enough for Charl.Af: Met 'n finale weddenskap, Charl roep Jannie's bluf.En: With a final bet, Charl calls Jannie's bluff.Af: Die kaarte word oopgemaak.En: The cards are revealed.Af: Jannie se hand lyk sterk, maar Charl het 'n sterker hand.En: Jannie’s hand looks strong, but Charl has a stronger hand.Af: Jannie se gesig val en die kamers fluister skielik op.En: Jannie’s face falls, and the room suddenly whispers.