Dancing in the Rain: A Perfectly Imperfect Birthday Picnic
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Dancing in the Rain: A Perfectly Imperfect Birthday Picnic Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dancing-in-the-rain-a-perfectly-imperfect-birthday-picnic Story Transcript:Af: Die wind waai sag oor die plattelandse mark, waar vars produkte, handgemaakte goedere en die gelag van mense die lug vul.En: The wind softly blows over the countryside market, where fresh produce, handmade goods, and the laughter of people fill the air.Af: Die winterson druk sy strale deur die koue wolke, gee 'n bietjie warmte aan die dag.En: The winter sun presses its rays through the cold clouds, lending a bit of warmth to the day.Af: Johan, Marietjie en Nico stap tussen die stalletjies deur.En: Johan, Marietjie, and Nico walk among the stalls.Af: Johan se hande was vol inkopielyste en sy oë gaan oor die verskillende vrugte en broodjies.En: Johan’s hands are full of shopping lists, and his eyes scan the various fruits and breads.Af: Dit moet perfek wees, dink hy.En: It has to be perfect, he thinks.Af: Sy ouma verdien die beste verjaarsdag-piekniek.En: His grandmother deserves the best birthday picnic.Af: "Johan, kyk hier!En: "Johan, look here!"Af: " roep Marietjie vrolik terwyl sy 'n mandjie met varsgebakte broodjies lig.En: calls Marietjie cheerfully as she lifts a basket of freshly baked breads.Af: "Ek dink ouma sal daarvan hou.En: "I think Grandma will love these."Af: ""Ja, maar ons moet seker maak ons het alles," antwoord Johan bekommerd, terwyl hy sy lysie nagaan.En: "Yes, but we need to make sure we have everything," Johan replies worriedly, as he checks his list.Af: Marietjie glimlag en druk sy skouer liggies.En: Marietjie smiles and gently squeezes his shoulder.Af: Nico, wat rustig agter hulle volg, sê: "Johan, moenie te veel stres nie.En: Nico, who is calmly following behind them, says, "Johan, don't stress too much.Af: Ons kan beheer wat ons kan.En: We can control what we can.Af: Die res sal vanself regkom.En: The rest will fall into place."Af: "Hulle pak die nodige bestanddele in: kaas, wyne, bessies, en nog meer.En: They gather the necessary ingredients: cheese, wines, berries, and more.Af: Alles is bymekaar en hulle laai die motor.En: Everything is packed, and they load the car.Af: Terwyl hulle ry, begin Johan se gedagtes weer tol.En: As they drive, Johan’s thoughts start to whirl again.Af: Wat as iets verkeerd loop?En: What if something goes wrong?Af: Die middag kom hulle by die pragtige veld aan, net betyds om te sien hoe 'n donker wolk oor die horison kom.En: By the afternoon, they arrive at the beautiful field, just in time to see a dark cloud coming over the horizon.Af: Johan se hart sak.En: Johan’s heart sinks.Af: Reën.En: Rain.Af: Dit was nie deel van die plan nie.En: It wasn’t part of the plan.Af: Hy sug diep.En: He exhales deeply.Af: Marietjie draai na hom toe en sê: "Kyk, kom ons probeer steeds.En: Marietjie turns to him and says, "Look, let's try anyway.Af: Ons kan die dekens neersit en sien wat gebeur.En: We can lay down the blankets and see what happens."Af: ""Ek weet nie, Marietjie," sê Johan, maar Nico knik bevestigend.En: "I don’t know, Marietjie," Johan says, but Nico nods affirmatively.Af: "Ek sal 'n skuiling in die area soek," voeg hy by.En: "I'll look for shelter in the area," he adds.