Elsa's Triumph: A School Play Celebrates National Women's Day
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Elsa's Triumph: A School Play Celebrates National Women's Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/elsas-triumph-a-school-play-celebrates-national-womens-day Story Transcript:Af: Elsa staan in die groot sitkamer van haar ouerhuis.En: Elsa stands in the large living room of her childhood home.Af: Die winterkoue buite word deur die kaggelvuur versag.En: The winter cold outside is softened by the fireplace.Af: Kinders hardloop rond, roep en lag terwyl hulle hul rolle vir die skooldrama oefen.En: Children run around, calling and laughing as they rehearse their roles for the school play.Af: Die huis ruik na varsgebakte beskuitjies, en die dekor herinner almal aan Nasionale Vrouedag se aankoms.En: The house smells of freshly baked cookies, and the decor reminds everyone of the upcoming National Women's Day.Af: Elsa het een doel: om die beste skooldrama ooit op te voer.En: Elsa has one goal: to produce the best school play ever.Af: Hierdie speelstuk sou 'n huldeblyk wees aan Nasionale Vrouedag.En: This play would be a tribute to National Women's Day.Af: Maar Elsa se selfvertroue wankel.En: But Elsa's confidence wavers.Af: Sy wil regtig indruk maak, maar is bang sy sal misluk.En: She really wants to make an impression, but she's afraid she will fail.Af: Petrus, 'n ander student, is stewig vasbeslote om die tema van die drama te verander.En: Petrus, another student, is determined to change the theme of the play.Af: Hy wil iets meer opwindend hê, soos 'n aksiestorie.En: He wants something more exciting, like an action story.Af: Hulle bots gou.En: They soon clash.Af: Elsa hou egter vas aan haar visie.En: However, Elsa sticks to her vision.Af: Bianca, Elsa se jonger suster, het pas haar laaste koeksisters uitgesit.En: Bianca, Elsa's younger sister, has just set out her last batch of koeksisters.Af: "Elsa, moet jy nie maar Petrus se voorstel oorweeg nie?En: "Elsa, shouldn't you consider Petrus's suggestion?"Af: " vra sy sag.En: she asks softly.Af: Elsa dink diep na.En: Elsa thinks deeply.Af: Sy weet sy moet haar span oortuig van die waarde van Nasionale Vrouedag en waarom dit spesiaal is.En: She knows she needs to convince her team of the value of National Women's Day and why it is special.Af: "Ons moet hierdie dag eer," sê sy ferm.En: "We need to honor this day," she says firmly.Af: "Dit is belangrik vir ons almal.En: "It's important for all of us."Af: "Petrus vou sy arms, duidelik ontevrede.En: Petrus crosses his arms, clearly dissatisfied.Af: "Ek dink 'n aksiestuk sal beter wees.En: "I think an action story would be better.Af: Mense hou van aksie," protesteer hy.En: People like action," he protests.Af: "Ek hoor jou," sê Elsa kalm, "maar ons moet 'n boodskap stuur.En: "I hear you," Elsa says calmly, "but we need to send a message.Af: Wat as ons 'n aksie-element byvoeg wat ook die vroue van Suid-Afrika eer?En: What if we add an action element that also honors the women of South Africa?"Af: "Die kamer word stil.En: The room grows quiet.Af: Petrus oorweeg Elsa se voorstel.En: Petrus considers Elsa's proposal.Af: "Miskien kan dit werk," sê hy uiteindelik.En: "Maybe it could work," he finally says.Af: Hulle besluit om saam aan die stuk te werk, met elemente van aksie en die waardevolle boodskap van...