Family Adventure: Conquering Table Mountain Together
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Family Adventure: Conquering Table Mountain Together Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Op 'n sonnige oggend staan Jan, Annelie en Pieter by die voet van die Tafelberg.En: On a sunny morning, Jan, Annelie, and Pieter stand at the foot of Table Mountain.Af: Dit is hulle vakansie saam as 'n gesin.En: It is their family holiday together.Af: Die lug is helderblou en die son skyn helder.En: The sky is bright blue, and the sun shines brightly.Af: “Kom, ons begin,” sê Jan vrolik.En: “Come on, let’s begin,” says Jan cheerfully.Af: Hy dra 'n rugsak vol waterbottels en toebroodjies.En: He carries a backpack full of water bottles and sandwiches.Af: Annelie glimlag en kyk na die mooi uitsig.En: Annelie smiles and looks at the beautiful view.Af: Pieter is vol energie en hardloop vooruit.En: Pieter is full of energy and runs ahead.Af: Hulle begin die opstal.En: They start the ascent.Af: Die staproete is steil, maar die uitsig is asemrowend.En: The hiking trail is steep, but the view is breathtaking.Af: Hulle sien pragtige blomme en hoor voëls sing.En: They see beautiful flowers and hear birds singing.Af: “Dis so mooi hier,” sê Annelie en neem foto’s.En: “It’s so beautiful here,” says Annelie, taking photos.Af: Jan lag.En: Jan laughs.Af: “Ons moet na die top toe kom!” roep hy.En: “We need to get to the top!” he calls out.Af: Pieter staan stil en wys na ‘n eekhoring.En: Pieter stops and points at a squirrel.Af: “Kyk, pappa! ‘n Eekhoring!”En: “Look, Dad! A squirrel!”Af: Hulle stap verder.En: They continue walking.Af: Die pad word al moeiliker.En: The path becomes more difficult.Af: Jan help Annelie oor ‘n groot rots.En: Jan helps Annelie over a large rock.Af: Pieter kyk na spoor van diere in die sand.En: Pieter looks at animal tracks in the sand.Af: Tyd vir middagete.En: It’s time for lunch.Af: Hulle sit op 'n rots en eet die toebroodjies.En: They sit on a rock and eat the sandwiches.Af: Jan deel vir almal water.En: Jan shares water with everyone.Af: “Ek is bietjie moeg,” sê Annelie.En: “I’m a bit tired,” says Annelie.Af: Jan glimlag. “Net ‘n bietjie verder. Jy kan dit doen.”En: Jan smiles. “Just a little further. You can do it.”Af: Hulle stap al hoe hoër.En: They hike higher and higher.Af: Die wind waai koeler.En: The wind blows cooler.Af: Skielik kyk Pieter op en sê: “Ek sien die top!”En: Suddenly, Pieter looks up and says, “I see the top!”Af: Met nuwe energie stap hulle die laaste stuk.En: With renewed energy, they hike the last stretch.Af: Hulle kom by die top aan en voel trots.En: They reach the top and feel proud.Af: Annelie het dit gemaak! Hulle lag en kyk uit oor Kaapstad.En: Annelie made it! They laugh and look out over Cape Town.Af: “Dis ongelooflik,” sê Jan sag.En: “It’s incredible,” says Jan softly.Af: Annelie knik. “Ek is bly ons het dit gedoen.”En: Annelie nods. “I’m glad we did it.”Af: Pieter dans rond en sê: “Kom ons neem 'n gesinsfoto!”En: Pieter dances around and says, “Let’s take a family photo!”Af: Met die sonsondergang agter hulle neem hulle ‘n foto.En: With the sunset behind them, they take a photo.