Finding Peace in Cederberg: A Journey of Letting Go
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Finding Peace in Cederberg: A Journey of Letting Go Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Jaco staar na die versteende berge van die Cederberg.En: Jaco stares at the petrified mountains of the Cederberg.Af: Die son skyn helder bo die koppies, en die lug is soet met die geur van fynbos.En: The sun shines brightly above the hills, and the air is sweet with the scent of fynbos.Af: Rondom hom roep voëls en saggies wind fluister deur die gras.En: Around him, birds call and the wind softly whispers through the grass.Af: Tog huiwer sy gedagtes by vergaderings en e-posse.En: Yet his thoughts linger on meetings and emails.Af: Annelise rus haar hand op sy skouer.En: Annelise rests her hand on his shoulder.Af: "Dis pragtig, nè?En: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"Af: " sê sy sag.En: she says softly.Af: Haar oë het 'n tikkie verlange.En: Her eyes have a touch of longing.Af: Sy hoop dat hierdie tyd in die natuur hulle nader aan mekaar sal bring.En: She hopes that this time in nature will bring them closer together.Af: Frans, met sy breë glimlag, voeg by, "Ek kan nie die laaste keer onthou dat ek só kalm gevoel het nie.En: Frans, with his broad smile, adds, "I can't remember the last time I felt so calm."Af: "Dis die tweede dag van die geestelike toevlug, en hulle is hier om vrede te vind.En: It's the second day of the spiritual retreat, and they are here to find peace.Af: Jaco, altyd die bestuurder, sukkel om sy foon neer te sit en die oomblik te leef.En: Jaco, always the manager, struggles to put down his phone and live in the moment.Af: Sy werk is 'n konstante gedruis in sy kop, wat die stilte om hom oorheers.En: His work is a constant noise in his head, overpowering the silence around him.Af: Daardie aand, onder die sterbesaaide hemel, drink hulle rooibostee rondom 'n klein vuur.En: That evening, under the starry sky, they drink rooibos tea around a small fire.Af: Frans vertel storie van sy laaste verhouding, die pyn daarvan nog vars.En: Frans tells a story of his last relationship, the pain of it still fresh.Af: Jaco voel 'n knou van skuld, dinge wat hy te sê gehad het, maar nie gesê het nie.En: Jaco feels a pang of guilt, things he had to say, but didn't.Af: "Ek moes daar gewees het vir jou," sê hy uiteindelik.En: "I should have been there for you," he finally says.Af: Terwyl die maan sy reis oor die hemel maak, gebeur die oomblik van deurbraak tydens 'n begeleide meditasie die volgende oggend.En: As the moon travels across the sky, the breakthrough moment happens during guided meditation the next morning.Af: Jaco sit op 'n matjie, sy oë toe.En: Jaco sits on a mat, his eyes closed.Af: Die stem van die gids is rustig.En: The guide's voice is calm.Af: "Laat los, wees in die oomblik," hoor hy.En: "Let go, be in the moment," he hears.Af: Skielik sien hy die waarheid helder.En: Suddenly, he sees the truth clearly.Af: Werk is nie alles nie.En: Work is not everything.Af: Liefde en vriendskap is sy grootste skatte.En: Love and friendship are his greatest treasures.Af: Hy maak sy oë oop en kyk na Annelise, warm liefde groei in sy bors.En: He opens his eyes and looks at Annelise, warm love growing in his chest.Af: Hy ken sy besluit.En: He knows his decision.Af: Hy staan op, stap na haar toe en hou...