Fostering Bonds Amidst the Storm's Fury: A Heartwarming Tale

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Fostering Bonds Amidst the Storm's Fury: A Heartwarming Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die lug het donker geraak, en die eerste druppels van reën het begin val.En: The sky had darkened, and the first drops of rain began to fall.Af: Anika het vinnig haar dogter, Mia, van die buite speelgrond afgehaal.En: Anika quickly took her daughter, Mia, off the outdoor playground.Af: Die wind het begin waai en die blare het gewaai soos klein ontdekkingsreisigers in die lug.En: The wind started to blow, and the leaves swirled like little explorers in the air.Af: "Kom ons gaan vinnig binne toe, Mia!En: "Let's go inside quickly, Mia!"Af: " het Anika uitgeroep, terwyl sy die kleintjie styf vasgehou het.En: Anika shouted, as she held the little one tightly.Af: In die buurt was almal besig om voorbereidings te tref vir die naderende storm.En: In the neighborhood, everyone was busy making preparations for the approaching storm.Af: Johan, Anika se buurman, het deur sy venster uitgestaar en gesien hoe sy bure haastig binne-in hul huise verdwyn.En: Johan, Anika's neighbor, stared out of his window and saw how his neighbors disappeared hastily into their houses.Af: Johan was 'n afgetrede elektrisiën.En: Johan was a retired electrician.Af: Hy het besluit om nader te stap en aangebied om te help, indien enigiets sou gebeur.En: He decided to step over and offered to help if anything should happen.Af: Toe die storm sy hoogtepunt bereik, het Anika bekommerd haar hand na Mia uitgestrek.En: When the storm reached its peak, Anika worriedly reached out her hand to Mia.Af: Die krag het skielik afgegaan en die hele buurt is in duisternis gedompel.En: The power suddenly went out, and the whole neighborhood was plunged into darkness.Af: Anika het haar selfoon gegryp om 'n paar kerse aan te steek.En: Anika grabbed her cell phone to light some candles.Af: "Moenie bekommer nie, my skat.En: "Don't worry, my darling.Af: Mamma is hier," het sy gesusterend vir Mia gesê.En: Mommy is here," she said reassuringly to Mia.Af: Daar was 'n klop aan die deur.En: There was a knock at the door.Af: Dit was Johan.En: It was Johan.Af: "Kan ek help?En: "Can I help?Af: Ek kan kyk of ek iets kan doen oor die krag," het hy aangebied.En: I can see if I can do something about the power," he offered.Af: Anika het 'n oomblik gekyk en besluit sy kan niemand anders vertrou as Johan nie, al ken sy hom nie goed nie.En: Anika looked for a moment and decided that she couldn't trust anyone else but Johan, even though she didn't know him well.Af: "Dankie, Johan.En: "Thank you, Johan.Af: Dit sal regtig baie help," het sy gesê.En: That would really help a lot," she said.Af: Gert, die jong man wat onlangs in die buurt ingetrek het, het die toneel van 'n afstand dopgehou.En: Gert, the young man who recently moved into the neighborhood, watched the scene from a distance.Af: Skepties oor almal rondom hom, het hy twaalf tree beider se eie toesighoudende lys van die buurt.En: Skeptical about everyone around him, he kept his own supervisory list of the neighborhood.Af: Maar Anika het besluit om ook vir Gert nader te roep.En: But Anika decided to call Gert over too.Af: "Gert, ons kan miskien jou hulp gebruik.En: "Gert, we could use your help.Af: Johan gaan...