From Colleagues to Companions: A Valentine's Day at Kirstenbosch

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Colleagues to Companions: A Valentine's Day at Kirstenbosch Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig agter die ikoniese silhoeët van Tafelberg.En: The sun sets slowly behind the iconic silhouette of Tafelberg.Af: Die lug is warm, en die geure van fynbos vul die lug in die Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuine.En: The air is warm, and the scents of fynbos fill the air in the Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens.Af: Dit is Valentynsdag.En: It is Valentine's Day.Af: 'n Perfekte someraand vol beloftes.En: A perfect summer evening full of promises.Af: Thandi het hier vir Johan genooi.En: Thandi has invited Johan here.Af: Sy hoop om vandag meer as net 'n kollega in sy oë te wees.En: She hopes to be more than just a colleague in his eyes today.Af: Thandi is vol lewe, haar oë flonker soos sy na Johan kyk wat langs haar op die bank sit.En: Thandi is full of life, her eyes sparkle as she looks at Johan sitting next to her on the bench.Af: Johan se voorkop is effens gefronst, sy gedagtes duidelik by die nuwe sagteware-projek waarmee hy so druk besig is.En: Johan's forehead is slightly furrowed, his thoughts clearly on the new software project he's so busy with.Af: Hulle werk saam by 'n groot maatskappy, en hoewel Thandi hom bewonder vir sy intelligensie en werksetiek, hoop sy dat hy vanaand werk agter kan los.En: They work together at a large company, and although Thandi admires him for his intelligence and work ethic, she hopes he'll leave work behind tonight.Af: “Johan, is dit nie pragtig hier nie?En: "Johan, isn't it beautiful here?"Af: ” probeer Thandi, haar stem vol hoop.En: Thandi tries, her voice full of hope.Af: Johan kyk vlugtig op.En: Johan glances up briefly.Af: “Ja, dit is mooi,” sê hy, sy gedagtes duidelik nog vasgevang in kodes en skerms.En: "Yes, it is beautiful," he says, his thoughts clearly still caught up in codes and screens.Af: Sy telefoon piep in sy sak, en sy hand gaan instinktief daarnatoe voordat hy besef waar hy is.En: His phone beeps in his pocket, and his hand instinctively reaches for it before he realizes where he is.Af: Thandi sug innerlik, maar gee nie moed op nie.En: Thandi sighs inwardly but doesn't give up hope.Af: Hulle stap verder, omring deur die kleure van somerblomme.En: They walk further, surrounded by the colors of summer flowers.Af: Die wind ritsel liggies deur die bome, en die natuur probeer rustig oor hul spoel.En: The wind rustles gently through the trees, and nature tries to wash over them peacefully.Af: Sy weet sy moet haar gevoelens deel.En: She knows she must share her feelings.Af: Sy wil nie nog langer wag nie.En: She doesn't want to wait any longer.Af: Hulle stop by 'n bankie omring deur bont blomtuine.En: They stop at a bench surrounded by colorful flower gardens.Af: Thandi kyk na Johan, skep moed en sê, “Johan, ek moet jou iets vertel.En: Thandi looks at Johan, gathers courage, and says, "Johan, I need to tell you something."Af: ”Hy volg haar oë, en vir 'n oomblik is daar stilte, net die sagte geruis van die wind.En: He meets her eyes, and for a moment, there is silence, just the soft whisper of the wind.Af: Sy verwagtinge verander, hy draai sy aandag heeltemal na haar toe.En: His expectations change, and he turns his full attention to her.Af: “Ek.En: "I...Af: ek...