From Field to Gym: How a School Picnic Overcame the Storm

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Field to Gym: How a School Picnic Overcame the Storm Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die klein dorpie op die rand van die veld was daar 'n gezoem van opwinding.En: In the small town on the edge of the field, there was a buzz of excitement.Af: Die somerson het helder geskyn oor die groot, sagte grasvelde van die plaaslike skool.En: The summer sun shone brightly over the large, soft grass fields of the local school.Af: Almal het gehoop op 'n mooi dag vir die skoolpiekniek, geskep om fondse in te samel vir die veldhospitaal wat onlangs geopen is.En: Everyone hoped for a beautiful day for the school picnic, created to raise funds for the field hospital that had recently opened.Af: Annelie, 'n ywerige student met groot verantwoordelikhede, het gewerk om alles reg te kry.En: Annelie, an eager student with great responsibilities, was working to get everything right.Af: Sy moes die piekniek organiseer.En: She had to organize the picnic.Af: Maar sy was bang.En: But she was afraid.Af: Kan sy dit alles laat werk?En: Could she make it all work?Af: Haar vriend, Pieter, het langs haar gestap, sy positiewe houding 'n baken van steun.En: Her friend, Pieter, walked alongside her, his positive attitude a beacon of support.Af: “Moenie stres nie, Annelie,” het Pieter gesê.En: "Don't stress, Annelie," Pieter said.Af: "Ons het dit!En: "We got this!"Af: "Maar die uitdagings was groot.En: But the challenges were significant.Af: Weervoorspellings het reën voorspel en die span het nie saamgestem oor die planne nie.En: Weather predictions forecasted rain, and the team did not agree on the plans.Af: Annelie het haarself bevraagteken.En: Annelie questioned herself.Af: Moet sy die piekniek uitstel?En: Should she postpone the picnic?Af: Haar gedagtes was vol twyfel totdat sy Jaco ontmoet het.En: Her thoughts were full of doubt until she met Jaco.Af: Hy was nuut in die skool, stil en afgesonderd.En: He was new to the school, quiet and withdrawn.Af: Maar hy het gesoek na 'n manier om in te pas.En: But he was looking for a way to fit in.Af: Op daardie dag het Jaco na Annelie gekom.En: On that day, Jaco approached Annelie.Af: “Hoekom probeer ons nie die gimnasium nie?En: "Why don't we try the gymnasium?"Af: ” het hy voorgestel.En: he suggested.Af: Sy voorstel was eenvoudig, maar briljant.En: His proposal was simple but brilliant.Af: Annelie het geweet dit kan werk.En: Annelie knew it could work.Af: Sy het die span byeengeroep en hulle almal het hard gewerk om die gimnasium te transformeer.En: She gathered the team and they all worked hard to transform the gymnasium.Af: Tafels is oorgedra, kussings is neergesit, en die mure is versier met handgemaakte plakkate.En: Tables were moved, cushions were laid down, and the walls were decorated with handmade posters.Af: Die kort kennisgewing het almal saamgetrek.En: The short notice brought everyone together.Af: Die piekniek-geleentheid het uiteindelik aangebreek.En: The picnic event finally arrived.Af: Die kinders het met speletjies begin speel en die ouers het gesels onder die kleurrike hangende ornamente.En: The children began to play games, and the parents chatted under the colorful hanging ornaments.Af: Daar was 'n gevoel van...