From Playtime to Deadline: A Team Triumph in the Library
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Playtime to Deadline: A Team Triumph in the Library Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die sonlig stroom deur die groot vensters van die skoolbiblioteek.En: The sunlight streams through the large windows of the school library.Af: Dit is lente, en die geur van blomme dryf in die lug.En: It is spring, and the scent of flowers floats in the air.Af: Die rekenaars neurie saggies en boeke staan netjies op die rakke.En: The computers hum softly, and books stand neatly on the shelves.Af: Dit is 'n rustige plek, ideaal vir werk – al wil Liesl en Pieter eerder speel.En: It's a peaceful place, ideal for work—though Liesl and Pieter would rather play.Af: "Andries, moet ons regtig vanaand werk?" vra Pieter met 'n sigbare grimas terwyl hy na sy speletjiekonsole loer.En: "Andries, do we really have to work tonight?" Pieter asks with a visible grimace as he glances at his game console.Af: "Ja, Pieter. Ons moet die projek môre inhandig. Ons kan nie laat waai nie," sê Andries ferm.En: "Yes, Pieter. We have to submit the project tomorrow. We can't slack off," Andries says firmly.Af: Hy voel die druk van sy beurs op sy skouers.En: He feels the pressure of his scholarship on his shoulders.Af: Die notas lê reg voor hom, in 'n netjiese stapel.En: The notes lie right in front of him, in a neat stack.Af: Liesl, met 'n potlood tussen haar vingers, staar na die wolke buite.En: Liesl, with a pencil between her fingers, stares at the clouds outside.Af: "Ek dink ons mikro-organisme-animasie kan 'n bietjie kleur gebruik," droom sy hardop.En: "I think our microorganism animation could use a bit of color," she muses out loud.Af: Andries sug.En: Andries sighs.Af: Hy weet hy moet hulle motiveer, anders gaan dit nie werk nie.En: He knows he must motivate them; otherwise, it won't work.Af: Hy neem 'n diep asem en sê: "Kom ons verdeel die werk. Liesl, jy kan die illustrasies klaarmaak. Pieter, jy doen die tegniese gedeelte. Ek sal die res bymekaar sit."En: He takes a deep breath and says, "Let's divide the work. Liesl, you can finish the illustrations. Pieter, you handle the technical part. I'll put the rest together."Af: Liesl knik, maar haar gedagtes is steeds halfpad by die wolke.En: Liesl nods, but her thoughts are still halfway in the clouds.Af: Pieter knik ook, maar sy hande wil al weer na die konsole reik.En: Pieter nods too, but his hands want to reach for the console again.Af: Die middag word aand.En: Afternoon turns to evening.Af: Die tyd tik.En: Time ticks.Af: Net toe hulle dink hulle is op dreef, gebeur die ondenkbare.En: Just when they think they're on a roll, the unthinkable happens.Af: Liesl se kreatiewe afdeling, waaraan sy ure gewerk het, raak weg—per ongeluk afgevee van die rekenaar.En: Liesl's creative section, on which she worked for hours, gets lost—accidentally deleted from the computer.Af: "Nee!" roep Liesl uit. Haar oë is groot van skok.En: "No!" Liesl cries out. Her eyes are wide with shock.Af: Andries se hart sink. Hulle is nou in groot moeilikheid.En: Andries's heart sinks. They're in big trouble now.Af: Hy neem 'n oomblik. Dan trek hy 'n plan.En: He takes a moment, then comes up with a plan.Af: "Ons kan dit herdoen. Ons moet kalm bly. Liesl, herhaal wat jy kan onthou. Pieter, help haar."En: "We can...