From Raindrops to Inspiration: A Valentine’s Day Encounter

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Raindrops to Inspiration: A Valentine’s Day Encounter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin.En: The sun shines brightly over Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin.Af: Dit is Valentynsdag, en die tuin is vol mense wat die geleentheid bywoon.En: It is Valentine's Day, and the garden is full of people attending the event.Af: Daar is musiek in die lug, kunstige stalletjies, en die geur van heerlike kos wat hulle lok.En: There's music in the air, artistic stalls, and the aroma of delicious food drawing them in.Af: Liezl, 'n kunstenaar in haar laat twintigerjare, loop rustig tussen die proteas en strelitzias.En: Liezl, an artist in her late twenties, walks peacefully among the proteas and strelitzias.Af: Sy is op haar dag af en wil net die skoonheid van die tuin ervaar en ontspan.En: She has a day off and just wants to experience the beauty of the garden and relax.Af: Sy stop by 'n stalletjie met pragtige argitektoniese illustrasies.En: She stops at a stall with beautiful architectural illustrations.Af: Haar oog vang die detail en kreatiwiteit van die tekeninge.En: Her eye catches the detail and creativity of the drawings.Af: Net 'n ent verder staan Pieter, 'n jong argitek.En: Just a short distance away stands Pieter, a young architect.Af: Hy hou van die natuur en sukkel om sy gedagtes uit te druk.En: He loves nature and struggles to express his thoughts.Af: Hy staar na die tekeninge en dink aan hoe hy inspirasie kan vind vir sy nuwe projek.En: He stares at the drawings, thinking about how he can find inspiration for his new project.Af: Hy voel 'n bietjie alleen, al staan hy tussen die skare wat na die musiek luister.En: He feels a bit alone, even though he stands among the crowd listening to the music.Af: Liezl draai na die illustrasies toe en besluit om nader te stap.En: Liezl turns to the illustrations and decides to step closer.Af: Sy bewonder die werk en haar oë glinster van waardering.En: She admires the work, her eyes sparkling with appreciation.Af: Pieter sien haar bewondering en voel 'n stewige skop van moed.En: Pieter notices her admiration and feels a steady kick of courage.Af: Hy vat die kans en vra haar mening oor die illustrasies.En: He takes the chance and asks her opinion on the illustrations.Af: "Wat dink jy van die tekeninge?En: "What do you think of the drawings?"Af: " vra hy met 'n voorzichtige glimlag.En: he asks with a cautious smile.Af: "Ek hou baie daarvan," sê Liezl.En: "I like them a lot," Liezl says.Af: "Hulle is vol lewe en detail.En: "They are full of life and detail.Af: Wie is die kunstenaar?En: Who is the artist?"Af: ""'n Goeie vriend van my," lieg hy effens, skaam oor sy eie werk te erken.En: "A good friend of mine," he lies slightly, embarrassed to admit his own work.Af: Maar hy dink dit is nou die tyd om meer oor homself te deel.En: But he thinks it is now the time to share more about himself.Af: "Ek is 'n argitek.En: "I'm an architect.Af: Ek soek inspirasie vir 'n nuwe, volhoubare ontwerp.En: I'm looking for inspiration for a new, sustainable design."Af: "Terwyl hulle gesels oor kuns, natuur en ontwerp, begin die wolke saam te trek.En: As they chat about art, nature, and design, the clouds begin to gather.