From Silence to Words: A Journey of Healing and Hope

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: From Silence to Words: A Journey of Healing and Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder deur die groot vensters van die psigiatriese saal.En: The sun shines brightly through the large windows of the psychiatric ward.Af: Die sagte lig speel oor die eenvoudige meubels en die groen blare van die potplante.En: The soft light plays over the simple furniture and the green leaves of the potted plants.Af: Dit was 'n rustige somersdag, en Elmarie, die omgee-onderwyseres, loop stadig deur die gang.En: It was a peaceful summer day, and Elmarie, the compassionate teacher, walks slowly down the hallway.Af: Sy hou stil voor 'n kamer.En: She stops in front of a room.Af: Binne sit Riaan, 'n tienerseun, stil by 'n tafel.En: Inside, Riaan, a teenage boy, sits quietly at a table.Af: Sy gesig is 'n mengsel van vrees en verlange, verlore in sy eie gedagtes.En: His face is a mixture of fear and longing, lost in his own thoughts.Af: "Hallo Riaan," sê Elmarie met 'n sag, warm stem.En: "Hello Riaan," says Elmarie in a soft, warm voice.Af: "Hoe gaan dit vandag?"En: "How are you today?"Af: Riaan kyk op, sy oë vol wantroue.En: Riaan looks up, his eyes full of distrust.Af: "Dis dieselfde," mompel hy, sy blik weggedraai.En: "It's the same," he mutters, averting his gaze.Af: Elmarie glimlag vriendelik.En: Elmarie smiles kindly.Af: Sy weet dat sy hom stadig moet nader.En: She knows she has to approach him slowly.Af: "Ek het 'n idee vir 'n nuwe oefening," sê sy en haal 'n boek en pen uit haar tas.En: "I have an idea for a new exercise," she says, taking a book and pen from her bag.Af: "Hoe sou jy voel oor 'n kreatiewe skryfoefening?"En: "How would you feel about a creative writing exercise?"Af: Riaan trek sy skouers op.En: Riaan shrugs.Af: "Ek weet nie," sê hy, maar daar is 'n vonkie van nuuskierigheid in sy oë.En: "I don't know," he says, but there's a spark of curiosity in his eyes.Af: Elmarie plaas die pen en papier voor hom neer.En: Elmarie places the pen and paper in front of him.Af: "Jy kan oor enigiets skryf.En: "You can write about anything.Af: Wat jy voel.En: What you feel.Af: Wat jy wil hê.En: What you want.Af: Jy hoef dit nie met iemand te deel as jy nie wil nie."En: You don't have to share it with anyone if you don't want to."Af: Die dag warm op, en Riaan sit in stilte.En: The day warms up, and Riaan sits in silence.Af: Sy gedagtes draai in sy kop soos 'n warrelwind.En: His thoughts whirl in his head like a whirlwind.Af: Skryf iets op papier voel aanvanklik absurd, maar tog... die behoefte om gehoor te word, te verstaan, was sterk.En: Writing something on paper seems absurd at first, but still... the need to be heard, to be understood, was strong.Af: Die volgende paar sessies is stil, met min woorde tussen die twee.En: The next few sessions are quiet, with few words exchanged between the two.Af: Elmarie sit net rustig daar, gee Riaan die tyd wat hy nodig het.En: Elmarie just sits there calmly, giving Riaan the time he needs.Af: Sy weet dat geduld die sleutel is.En: She knows that patience is key.Af: En toe, op 'n gewone Vrydagmiddag, verander alles.En: And then, on an ordinary Friday afternoon, everything changes.Af: Riaan begin skryf.