Healing Hearts on the Amalfi Coast: An Unlikely Friendship
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Healing Hearts on the Amalfi Coast: An Unlikely Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/healing-hearts-on-the-amalfi-coast-an-unlikely-friendship Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig oor die pragtige Amalfi-kus, terwyl die warm somerbriesie Johan en Annelie groet.En: The sun was still setting over the beautiful Amalfi coast, while the warm summer breeze greeted Johan and Annelie.Af: Hulle staan op die kant van 'n steil, kronkelende pad, kyk uit oor die blou see.En: They stood at the edge of a steep, winding road, looking out over the blue sea.Af: Johan trek die geur van suurlemoene diep in sy longe in.En: Johan inhaled the scent of lemons deeply into his lungs.Af: "Dis asemrowend," sê hy sag.En: "It's breathtaking," he said softly.Af: Annelie, haar kamera in die hand, glimlag.En: Annelie, holding her camera in hand, smiled.Af: "Ek het dit nodig gehad," sê sy, maar haar oë verklap 'n dieper verwonding.En: "I needed this," she said, but her eyes betrayed a deeper wound.Af: Johan voel Annelie se ongemak, maar sê niks.En: Johan sensed Annelie's discomfort but said nothing.Af: Hulle het mekaar eers 'n paar dae gelede ontmoet, danksy 'n gedeelde toer.En: They had only met a few days ago, thanks to a shared tour.Af: Johan wou ontsnap, weg van die pyn van 'n gebroke hart.En: Johan wanted to escape, to get away from the pain of a broken heart.Af: Annelie soek weer inspirasie vir haar blog, moeg van oppervlakkige plasings wat net vir die 'likes' gemaak is.En: Annelie was seeking inspiration for her blog, tired of superficial posts made just for the 'likes.'Af: "Kom ons verken die dorp," stel Annelie voor.En: "Let's explore the town," Annelie suggested.Af: Hulle stap saam na die ou dorp, met sy klipstrate en kleurvolle huise.En: They walked together to the old town, with its cobblestone streets and colorful houses.Af: Elke hoek lyk soos 'n poskaart.En: Every corner looked like a postcard.Af: Johan vertel stories van die geskiedenis van die plekke wat hulle besoek.En: Johan told stories about the history of the places they visited.Af: Annelie neem foto's en maak aantekeninge.En: Annelie took photos and made notes.Af: Maar die onuitgesproke spanning tussen hulle bly.En: But the unspoken tension between them remained.Af: "'n Mens voel amper die geskiedenis," sê Johan terwyl hulle by 'n ou kerk kom. Sy hart swaar van onthou.En: "You can almost feel the history," Johan said as they arrived at an old church, his heart heavy with memories.Af: Annelie sien dit en vra skielik: "Waarom maak jy jou hart toe, Johan?"En: Annelie noticed and suddenly asked, "Why do you shut your heart off, Johan?"Af: Hy kyk haar verras aan.En: He looked at her, surprised.Af: "My laaste verhouding het baie seer gemaak," erken hy.En: "My last relationship hurt a lot," he admitted.Af: "Ek weet nie of ek weer iemand in my lewe kan toelaat nie."En: "I don't know if I can let someone into my life again."Af: Annelie knik.En: Annelie nodded.Af: "Ek verstaan," sê sy.En: "I understand," she said.Af: "Ek voel soms soos 'n bedrieër, soos ek nie regtig voel wat ek skryf nie."En: "Sometimes I feel like a fraud, like I don't really feel what I'm writing."Af: Die klank van 'n aankondiging onderbreek hul gesprek.En: The sound of an announcement interrupted their conversation.