Heartfelt Café: Friends' Journey from Dreams to Reality
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Heartfelt Café: Friends' Journey from Dreams to Reality Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/heartfelt-cafe-friends-journey-from-dreams-to-reality Story Transcript:Af: By die stil maanlig strand, in die hart van winter, lê ‘n klein, warm kafee wat aanloklike geure uitstraal.En: By the quiet moonlit beach, in the heart of winter, lies a small, warm café that exudes inviting aromas.Af: Die geur van vars koffie vul die yskoue lug, en binne is dit knus en gesellig.En: The scent of fresh coffee fills the icy air, and inside it is cozy and intimate.Af: Dis hier waar drie vriende, Anabela, Fanie en Pieter, 'n klein kafee bestuur.En: It is here that three friends, Anabela, Fanie, and Pieter, run a small café.Af: Anabela is passievol en sorgsaam.En: Anabela is passionate and caring.Af: Sy droom daarvan om die kafee uit te brei om meer toeriste en plaaslike mense te lok, maar 'n vorige sakemislukking laat haar soms twyfel.En: She dreams of expanding the café to attract more tourists and locals, but a previous business failure sometimes makes her doubt.Af: Fanie is meer pragmaties.En: Fanie is more pragmatic.Af: Hy hou daarvan om dinge stabiel te hou en is bang vir finansiële risiko's.En: He likes to keep things stable and fears financial risks.Af: Pieter, die kreatiewe en optimistiese een, staan tussen hulle.En: Pieter, the creative and optimistic one, stands between them.Af: Hy verberg egter sy gesondheidsprobleme vir die ander twee vriende.En: However, he hides his health problems from the other two friends.Af: Dit is 'n koue winteraand.En: It is a cold winter evening.Af: Anabela stap heen en weer in die kafee.En: Anabela paces back and forth in the café.Af: Sy dink oor haar planne om die kafee uit te brei.En: She thinks about her plans to expand the café.Af: “Ons kan meer mense lok,” sê sy opgewonde.En: "We can attract more people," she says excitedly.Af: “Ons kan ‘n groter kombuis bou en 'n nuwe spyskaart opstel.En: "We can build a larger kitchen and create a new menu."Af: ”Fanie sug diep.En: Fanie sighs deeply.Af: “Ek weet jy's passievol,” sê hy, “maar dit is 'n groot risiko.En: "I know you are passionate," he says, "but it is a big risk.Af: Wat as dit nie werk nie?En: What if it doesn't work?Af: Ons het nie baie spaar geld nie.En: We don't have much spare money."Af: ”Pieter, sit stil en luister, sy glimlag steeds vasgeplak op sy gesig al voel hy nie lekker nie.En: Pieter sits quietly and listens, his smile still fixed on his face even though he doesn't feel well.Af: Hy wil hê sy vriende moet gelukkig wees, maar hy kan nie help om oor sy gesondheid bekommerd te wees nie.En: He wants his friends to be happy, but he can't help but worry about his health.Af: Anabela besluit om aksie te neem.En: Anabela decides to take action.Af: Sy begin klein veranderinge aanbring, al sê Fanie nee.En: She starts making small changes, even though Fanie says no.Af: Hy kyk haar stap vir stap aan, maar hy wil haar ook nie teleurstel nie.En: He watches her step-by-step, but he doesn't want to disappoint her.Af: Pieter, intussen, worstel met sy eie probleme.En: Meanwhile, Pieter struggles with his own problems.Af: Hy voel die druk van hul besluit oor die uitbreiding.En: He feels the pressure of their decision about the expansion.Af: Een aand is die kafee...