Hendrik's Bold Chili Experiment at the Annual Village Cook-off

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Hendrik's Bold Chili Experiment at the Annual Village Cook-off Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/hendriks-bold-chili-experiment-at-the-annual-village-cook-off Story Transcript:Af: Die winter in die klein dorpie was koud, maar die lug was vol opwinding.En: The winter in the small village was cold, but the air was filled with excitement.Af: Vandag was die jaarlikse chili-kookkompetisie by die plaaslike rugbyveld.En: Today was the annual chili-cooking competition at the local rugby field.Af: Die veld was vol stalletjies, kleurvolle baniere en die heerlike reuk van verskillende soorte chili in die lug.En: The field was full of stalls, colorful banners, and the delicious smell of various types of chili in the air.Af: Mense het warm aangetrek en bymekaar gestaan om elkeen se kookvaardighede te beoordeel.En: People were warmly dressed and gathered together to judge everyone’s cooking skills.Af: Hendrik, 'n middeljarige man wat by die hardewarewinkel werk, het besluit om aan hierdie jaar se kookkompetisie deel te neem.En: Hendrik, a middle-aged man who worked at the hardware store, decided to participate in this year's cooking competition.Af: Hy droom daarvan om bekend te staan as die man wat enigiets kan doen.En: He dreamed of being known as the man who could do anything.Af: Maar daar was 'n probleem: Hendrik het geen kookvaardighede nie.En: But there was a problem: Hendrik had no cooking skills.Af: Hy het nog nooit eers chili gemaak nie.En: He had never even made chili before.Af: Hendrik het met 'n groot glimlag by sy stalletjie aangekom.En: Hendrik arrived at his stall with a big smile.Af: Hy het besluit om sy plan in werking te stel.En: He decided to put his plan into action.Af: "Ek gaan sommer net alles in die pot gooi," het hy vir homself gesê.En: "I’m just going to throw everything into the pot," he said to himself.Af: Hy het begin met 'n basis van tamaties en bone.En: He started with a base of tomatoes and beans.Af: Toe het hy van alles bygevoeg: sjokolade, piesangs, karringmelk en heuning.En: Then he added a bit of everything: chocolate, bananas, buttermilk, and honey.Af: Die ander kokke het hom vreemd aangekyk, maar Hendrik het voortgegaan.En: The other cooks looked at him strangely, but Hendrik continued with his plan.Af: Die tyd het aangebreek vir die beoordelaars om elkeen se chili te proe.En: The time came for the judges to taste everyone’s chili.Af: Hendrik het senuweeagtig geraak.En: Hendrik grew nervous.Af: Hy het gewonder of hulle van sy vreemde mengsel sou hou.En: He wondered if they would like his strange mixture.Af: Die beoordelaars het by sy stalletjie gestop.En: The judges stopped at his stall.Af: Hulle het 'n lepel ingesteek en 'n hap geneem.En: They dipped a spoon in and took a bite.Af: Hulle gesigte het niks verraai nie.En: Their faces revealed nothing.Af: Hendrik het gesien hoe hulle mekaar beduie en gesels.En: Hendrik saw them gesturing and talking to each other.Af: Uiteindelik het die hoofbeoordelaar gepraat.En: Finally, the head judge spoke.Af: "Dis... interessant," het hy gesê.En: "It’s... interesting," he said.Af: "Dit is 'n unieke smaak.En: "It’s a unique taste.Af: Baie anders as die ander.En: Very different from the others.Af: Baie kreatief!"En: Very creative!"Af: Hendrik...