Jaco's Journey: A Leap from the Back of the Group

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Jaco's Journey: A Leap from the Back of the Group Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/jacos-journey-a-leap-from-the-back-of-the-group Story Transcript:Af: Die son het helder geskyn oor Tafelberg, wat soos 'n reusagtige wag by Kaapstad gestaan het.En: The sun shone brightly over Table Mountain, standing like a giant sentinel by Cape Town.Af: Dit was 'n pragtige lentedag, en die lug was skoon en vars.En: It was a beautiful spring day, and the air was clean and fresh.Af: 'n Perfekte dag vir 'n skooluitstappie.En: A perfect day for a school outing.Af: Jaco stap agter in die groep.En: Jaco walked at the back of the group.Af: Sy oë was op die grond, maar sy gedagtes was by Annelie.En: His eyes were on the ground, but his thoughts were with Annelie.Af: Hy het gehoop om haar indruk te maak.En: He hoped to impress her.Af: Hy was altyd so stil, so teruggetrokke.En: He was always so quiet, so withdrawn.Af: Maar vandag wou hy anders wees.En: But today, he wanted to be different.Af: Toe die klas die voetslaanroete bereik, het hulle onderwysers gevra: "Wie wil die groep lei vir hierdie spesiale deel van die berg?En: When the class reached the hiking trail, their teachers asked, "Who would like to lead the group for this special part of the mountain?"Af: " Jaco het gesluk.En: Jaco swallowed.Af: Sy hart het vinniger geklop.En: His heart beat faster.Af: Hier was sy kans, maar kon hy dit doen?En: Here was his chance, but could he do it?Af: Annelie was voor in die groep.En: Annelie was at the front of the group.Af: Sy het soos gewoonlik uitbundig na die blomme langs die pad gekyk.En: She was, as usual, enthusiastically looking at the flowers along the path.Af: Jaco het sy moed bymekaar geskraap.En: Jaco gathered his courage.Af: "Ek sal lei," het hy skielik gesê, selfs tot sy eie verbasing.En: "I will lead," he suddenly said, even to his own surprise.Af: Die klas het 'n oomblik stilgestaan.En: The class paused for a moment.Af: Toe, met 'n knik van die onderwyser, het hy begin stap.En: Then, with a nod from the teacher, he started walking.Af: Met elke tree het sy vertroue gegroei.En: With each step, his confidence grew.Af: Hy het begin praat oor die plante en diere van die berg.En: He began talking about the plants and animals of the mountain.Af: "Hier is 'n Protea," het hy gesê en gewys na 'n helder blom.En: "Here is a Protea," he said, pointing to a bright flower.Af: "Dit is Suid-Afrika se nasionale blom.En: "It's South Africa's national flower."Af: "Annelie het nader gestap en gefluister, "Ek het nie geweet jy weet soveel van die natuur nie, Jaco.En: Annelie stepped closer and whispered, "I didn’t know you knew so much about nature, Jaco."Af: " Hy het geglimlag en sy ore het rooi geword.En: He smiled, and his ears turned red.Af: "Ja, ek hou daarvan om daaroor te lees," het hy erken.En: "Yes, I like to read about it," he admitted.Af: Hulle het verder gestap en Jaco het stories vertel oor die geskiedenis van die berg, die Kaapse luiperd wat daar eens gewoon het, en die honderde spesies wat alleen daar gevind kan word.En: They continued walking, and Jaco told stories about the mountain's history, the Cape leopard that once lived there, and the hundreds of species found only there.Af: Sy ma was 'n bioloog, en sy liefde vir die natuur...