Lost and Found: Elsabe's Journey to Team Connection

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Lost and Found: Elsabe's Journey to Team Connection Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-12-16-23-34-01-af Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor die Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuine.En: The sun shines brightly over the Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuine.Af: Dit is somer, en die tuin is vol blomme in elke kleur van die reënboog.En: It's summer, and the garden is full of flowers in every color of the rainbow.Af: Elsabe stap stadig saam met haar kollegas, haar hart klop vinnig.En: Elsabe walks slowly with her colleagues, her heart beating fast.Af: Vandag is 'n spanbou-aktiwiteit.En: Today is a team-building activity.Af: Hulle gaan speletjies speel en mekaar beter leer ken.En: They are going to play games and get to know each other better.Af: Elsabe is die spanleier, maar sy voel soms afgesonderd van haar vrolike kollegas.En: Elsabe is the team leader, but she sometimes feels isolated from her cheerful colleagues.Af: Riaan, 'n vriendelike en uitbundige kollega, is aan haar sy.En: Riaan, a friendly and outgoing colleague, is by her side.Af: Hy wil hê almal moet presteer en mekaar vertrou.En: He wants everyone to excel and trust each other.Af: Elsabe wens sy kon meer soos Riaan wees.En: Elsabe wishes she could be more like Riaan.Af: Die groep begin die dag met 'n skattejag.En: The group starts the day with a scavenger hunt.Af: Hulle verdeel in spanne en begin omstreeks die tuin te soek na leidrade.En: They divide into teams and begin to explore the garden in search of clues.Af: Elsabe is in Riaan se span.En: Elsabe is in Riaan's team.Af: Haar patroon is om beskeie in die agtergrond te bly, maar vandag voel sy die druk om meer aan die aktiwiteit deel te neem.En: Her pattern is to stay modestly in the background, but today she feels the pressure to participate more in the activity.Af: Hulle loop tussen die bome deur, luister na voëls wat sing.En: They walk through the trees, listening to birds singing.Af: Riaan is vol lewe, en hy moedig almal aan met vrolike grappe en 'n breë glimlag.En: Riaan is full of life, encouraging everyone with cheerful jokes and a broad smile.Af: Elsabe glimlag skaam, maar haar gedagtes draai voortdurend.En: Elsabe smiles shyly, but her thoughts keep spinning.Af: Sy wil nie die span teleurstel nie.En: She doesn't want to let the team down.Af: Skielik val Elsabe agter.En: Suddenly, Elsabe falls behind.Af: Sy raak verlore in 'n area vol kleurvolle blomme en ander pad.En: She gets lost in an area full of colorful flowers and takes a different path.Af: Sy weet nie presies waar haar span is nie.En: She's not exactly sure where her team is.Af: Haar hart klop nog vinniger.En: Her heart beats even faster.Af: Sy wil nie alleen wees nie.En: She doesn't want to be alone.Af: Dan hoor sy 'n bekende stem.En: Then she hears a familiar voice.Af: "Elsabe, is jy hier?En: "Elsabe, are you here?"Af: " Dit is Riaan.En: It's Riaan.Af: Hy het na haar gesoek.En: He had been looking for her.Af: Sy sug van verligting en voel 'n strelende kalmte oor haar spoel.En: She sighs with relief and feels a soothing calm wash over her.Af: Sy sit onder 'n groot boom.En: She sits under a large tree.Af: Riaan kom sit langs haar.En: Riaan comes and sits next to her.Af: "Dis reg om soms...