Lost and Found in Kruger: A Family's Journey of Trust and Unity
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Lost and Found in Kruger: A Family's Journey of Trust and Unity Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/lost-and-found-in-kruger-a-familys-journey-of-trust-and-unity Story Transcript:Af: Die lug was helder en koud in die Kruger Nasionale Park.En: The air was clear and cold in the Kruger National Park.Af: Annelie, Riaan en Gerrit het net hulle tente opgeslaan.En: Annelie, Riaan, and Gerrit had just set up their tents.Af: Annelie kyk om haar rond.En: Annelie looked around.Af: Die savanne strek wyd en ver, en die geluid van voëls en diere vul die lug.En: The savannah stretched wide and far, and the sound of birds and animals filled the air.Af: Sy voel die werkdruk nog op haar skouers, maar sy het besluit om haar selfoon agter te los.En: She still felt the pressure of work on her shoulders, but she had decided to leave her phone behind.Af: "Dit is ons tyd saam, as 'n gesin," het sy vir haarself gesê.En: "This is our time together, as a family," she said to herself.Af: Riaan maak seker dat alles in orde is.En: Riaan made sure everything was in order.Af: Hy het die kos mooi weggebêre om te voorkom dat die diere dit steel.En: He had stored the food properly to prevent animals from stealing it.Af: Hy was 'n ordelike man en soms te versigtig, volgens Gerrit.En: He was an orderly man and sometimes too cautious, according to Gerrit.Af: "Pa, kan ek asseblief alleen gaan stap?En: "Dad, can I please go for a walk alone?"Af: " vra Gerrit.En: asked Gerrit.Af: Hy wil sy onafhanklikheid bewys.En: He wanted to prove his independence.Af: Riaan huiwer.En: Riaan hesitated.Af: Hy is bang iets gebeur met Gerrit, maar hy weet hy moet leer om sy seun te vertrou.En: He was afraid something might happen to Gerrit, but he knew he had to learn to trust his son.Af: "Goed, maar nie te ver nie," sê hy.En: "Alright, but not too far," he said.Af: Gerrit gee 'n ongeduldige knik en vertrek.En: Gerrit gave an impatient nod and left.Af: Annelie glimlag en voel 'n bietjie verlig.En: Annelie smiled and felt a bit relieved.Af: Sy hoop hierdie trip sal haar help om nader aan Gerrit en Riaan te kom.En: She hoped this trip would help her become closer to Gerrit and Riaan.Af: Die middag begin Gerrit 'n bietjie te dwaal.En: In the afternoon, Gerrit began to wander a bit.Af: Hy sien 'n kortpad deur die digte bosse.En: He saw a shortcut through the dense bushes.Af: "Ek gaan wys hulle ek kan dit self doen," dink hy.En: "I'm going to show them I can do it myself," he thought.Af: Maar ná 'n rukkie raak hy verdwaal.En: But after a while, he got lost.Af: Die bos is dik en ongemaklik stil.En: The bush was thick and eerily quiet.Af: Sy hart begin vinniger klop.En: His heart started to beat faster.Af: Intussen, terug by die kamp, raak Annelie en Riaan bekommerd.En: Meanwhile, back at the camp, Annelie and Riaan were getting worried.Af: "Gerrit is al 'n geruime tyd weg," sê Annelie met bekommernis.En: "Gerrit has been gone for quite some time," said Annelie with concern.Af: Riaan, alhoewel dadelik bang, wil nie paniek saai nie.En: Riaan, though instantly frightened, did not want to spread panic.Af: "Kom ons gaan hom soek," sê hy.En: "Let's go look for him," he said.Af: Saam begin hulle roep en deur die bosse stap.En:...