Love Brews in a Wintery Cape Town Coffee Shop
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love Brews in a Wintery Cape Town Coffee Shop Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Op 'n koue wintersoggend in Kaapstad, klink die gelag van mense deur 'n klein, gesellige koffiewinkel.En: On a cold winter morning in Cape Town, the laughter of people rings through a small, cozy coffee shop.Af: Die winkel is vol houtstoele en rustieke tafels.En: The shop is full of wooden chairs and rustic tables.Af: Die geur van vars koffie vul die lug.En: The smell of fresh coffee fills the air.Af: Hier is dit altyd knus en warm, ongeag die weer daar buite.En: Here, it’s always snug and warm, regardless of the weather outside.Af: Karl, die bibliotekaris, stap die koffiewinkel binne.En: Karl, the librarian, steps into the coffee shop.Af: Hy dra 'n dik trui en 'n groot glimlag.En: He is wearing a thick sweater and a big smile.Af: Hy het een doel voor oë: om Lize, die vrolike meisie wat hy gereeld hier sien, te beïndruk.En: He has one goal in mind: to impress Lize, the cheerful girl he sees here often.Af: Lize sit by haar gewone tafeltjie, met 'n boek voor haar.En: Lize is sitting at her usual table with a book in front of her.Af: ‘n Grinnige groet versprei oor haar gesig toe sy Karl sien.En: A bright grin spreads across her face when she sees Karl.Af: "Tanya Karl! Hoe gaan dit?" vra sy.En: "Hi Karl! How are you?" she asks.Af: "Dit gaan goed, dankie, Lize," antwoord hy.En: "I’m good, thank you, Lize," he replies.Af: Sy hart klop vinnig, en sy hande is 'n bietjie sweet.En: His heart is pounding, and his hands are slightly sweaty.Af: Hy het 'n plan.En: He has a plan.Af: Pieter, die eienaar van die koffiewinkel, leun agter die toonbank.En: Pieter, the owner of the coffee shop, leans behind the counter.Af: Hy het 'n glimlag op sy gesig en 'n twinkeling in sy oog.En: He has a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye.Af: Hy is gewoond aan Karl se manewales en glimlag altyd vriendelik.En: He’s used to Karl’s antics and always smiles kindly.Af: Karl draai na Pieter en sê: "Pieter, kan ek die nuwe koffie masjien gebruik om 'n spesiale koppie koffie vir Lize te maak?"En: Karl turns to Pieter and says, "Pieter, can I use the new coffee machine to make a special cup of coffee for Lize?"Af: Pieter lag en knik. "Gaan vir dit, Karl!"En: Pieter laughs and nods. "Go for it, Karl!"Af: Karl neem die koffieboontjies en begin die masjien instel.En: Karl takes the coffee beans and begins to set up the machine.Af: Hy herinner hom aan die instruksies wat hy iewers gelees het, maar dit voel alles vaag.En: He recalls the instructions he read somewhere, but it all feels vague.Af: Hy wil slim lyk, maar diep binne weet hy dit kan misloop.En: He wants to look smart, but deep down he knows it might go wrong.Af: Hy sien Lize se nuuskierige blik en voel sy moed sak.En: He sees Lize’s curious look and feels his confidence waver.Af: Hy druk die knoppies en draai die knoppies reg.En: He presses the buttons and turns the knobs correctly.Af: Skielik, 'n harde "PFFFT!" Koffie spuit oral!En: Suddenly, a loud "PFFFT!" Coffee sprays everywhere!Af: Die masjien rook, en 'n klein ontploffing stuur stoom in die lug.En: The machine smokes, and a small explosion sends steam into the air.Af: Koffie drup van Karl se trui af.En:...