Mishap in the Karoo: A Ranger's Lesson
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mishap in the Karoo: A Ranger's Lesson Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mishap-in-the-karoo-a-rangers-lesson Story Transcript:Af: Die son het pas opgekom oor die uitgestrekte, dorre landskap van die Karoo Nasionale Park en die lug was gevul met 'n belofte van die nuwe dag se avonture.En: The sun had just risen over the vast, arid landscape of the Karoo National Park and the air was filled with the promise of the new day's adventures.Af: Johan, 'n jong veldwagter wat nuut was in die park, het sy eerste ronde begin met 'n warm beker koffie in sy hand.En: Johan, a young ranger who was new to the park, began his first rounds with a warm cup of coffee in his hand.Af: Hy het langs die rooierige grondpad gery wat soos 'n slang deur die skoonheid van die Karoo kronkel.En: He drove along the reddish dirt road that snaked through the beauty of the Karoo.Af: Sy gedagtes het gedwaal na die diere wat hy daardie dag sou sien.En: His thoughts wandered to the animals he would see that day.Af: Dit was 'n droomwerk vir iemand soos hy wat 'n liefde vir die natuur en die wild had.En: It was a dream job for someone like him who had a love for nature and wildlife.Af: Terwyl Johan by 'n draai om die pad kom, sien hy 'n trop volstruise in die veld.En: As Johan turned a corner in the road, he saw a herd of ostriches in the field.Af: Hul lang nekke het grasieus beweeg soos hulle vir spriete en sade op die grond gepik het.En: Their long necks moved gracefully as they pecked at the ground for sprouts and seeds.Af: Gefassineer het Johan sy voertuig tot stilstand gebring om hulle beter te bekyk.En: Fascinated, Johan brought his vehicle to a halt to observe them more closely.Af: Maar toe hy die koffiebeker na sy lippe bring, strike die onvoorspelbare gebeur.En: But as he raised the coffee cup to his lips, the unexpected happened.Af: 'n Plotse, sterk wind het opgesteek en Johan skrik.En: A sudden, strong wind picked up and startled Johan.Af: Uit refleks kyk hy op en met 'n ongelukkige beweging gooi hy die warm vloeistof oor die hele stuurwiel en sommer ook buitekant op die grond – reg voor die volstruise.En: Reflexively, he looked up and with an unfortunate movement, he spilled the warm liquid over the entire steering wheel and even outside onto the ground—right in front of the ostriches.Af: Die volstruise skiet op in alarm, hulle vlerke uitgesprei in vrees en verwarring, sommige bespat met die koffie.En: The ostriches shot up in alarm, their wings spread out in fear and confusion, some splashed with the coffee.Af: Johan het onmiddellik besef hy het 'n fout gemaak.En: Johan immediately realized he had made a mistake.Af: Volstruise kan gevaarlik raak as hulle bedreig voel en hy het geweet hy moes die situasie kalmeer voor dit handuit ruk.En: Ostriches can become dangerous when they feel threatened, and he knew he had to calm the situation before it got out of hand.Af: Hy gooi sy voertuig se ligte aan en maak saggies maar ferm geluide om die voëls te probeer paai.En: He turned on the vehicle's lights and made gentle but firm noises to try to appease the birds.Af: "Rustig, rustig," het hy gesê, sy hande wys om te toon hy bedoel geen bedreiging nie.En: "Easy, easy," he said, his hands gesturing to show he meant no harm.Af: Na 'n paar benoude oomblikke begin die volstruise bedaar, hulle vlerke sak en die gedartel stop.En: After a few tense moments, the ostriches began to calm down, their wings lowering and their fluster...