Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mistaken-bags-at-cape-town-unexpected-connections Story Transcript:Af: Die vertrekbord by Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe het helder verligte letters vertoon.En: The departure board at Cape Town International Airport displayed brightly lit letters.Af: Passasiers het heen en weer gestap, besig en geïrriteerd.En: Passengers paced back and forth, busy and irritated.Af: Dit was winter, en koue winde het by die oop deure ingekom en die stasie verder onrustig gemaak.En: It was winter, and cold winds gusted through the open doors, making the terminal more restless.Af: Hendrik het weer na sy horlosie gekyk.En: Hendrik looked at his watch again.Af: Hy was 'n jong, effens afwesige argitek, op pad na 'n belangrike vergadering.En: He was a young, slightly absent-minded architect, on his way to an important meeting.Af: Sy gedagtes was vol planne en modelle.En: His thoughts were filled with plans and models.Af: Annelie, aan die ander kant van die lughawe, was 'n georganiseerde reisskrywer.En: Annelie, on the other side of the airport, was an organized travel writer.Af: Sy het 'n werkwinkel gehad wat belangrik was vir haar loopbaan.En: She had a workshop that was important for her career.Af: Haar dagboeke en notas was onmisbaar.En: Her diaries and notes were indispensable.Af: Sy het vinnig geloop, vasbeslote om haar vlug sonder probleme te haal.En: She walked quickly, determined to catch her flight without any issues.Af: Hendrik het haastig sy tas van die vervoerband afgeneem en na die uitgang gesnel.En: Hendrik hastily took his bag from the conveyor belt and rushed to the exit.Af: Hy het nie gesien hoe soortgelyk sy tas aan iemand anders s'n was nie.En: He didn’t notice how similar his bag looked to someone else’s.Af: Annelie het haar tas opgepik, net om uit te vind dit was nie haarne nie.En: Annelie picked up her bag, only to discover that it wasn’t hers.Af: Sy het 'n vreemde gevoel in haar maag gekry.En: She had a strange feeling in her stomach.Af: Wat as daardie argitek nou met haar tas vol persoonlike aantekeninge weggeloop het?En: What if that architect had walked away with her bag full of personal notes?Af: Hendrik het by die vergaderkantore aangekom.En: Hendrik arrived at the meeting offices.Af: Toe hy sy tas oopmaak, was daar net boeke en dagboeke.En: When he opened his bag, there were only books and diaries inside.Af: Sy hart het 'n slag gemis.En: His heart skipped a beat.Af: "Dit is nie my tas nie!En: "This is not my bag!"Af: " het hy benoud gesê.En: he said anxiously.Af: Intussen het Annelie haar weg na 'n stil hoek van die lughawe gemaak.En: Meanwhile, Annelie made her way to a quiet corner of the airport.Af: Sy het 'n plastiekmodel van 'n gebou uit die tas gehaal.En: She pulled a plastic model of a building out of the bag.Af: Sy kon net lag.En: She could only laugh.Af: Sy het dieselfde gedink, "Dit is nie my tas nie!En: She thought the same thing, "This is not my bag!Af: Wat doen ek nou?En: What do I do now?"Af: "Beide Hendrik en Annelie het na die afgelope kantoor van Verloren en Gevind gegaan.En: Both Hendrik and Annelie went to the Lost and Found office.Af: Toe hulle mekaar sien, was daar 'n oomblik van erkenning, gevolg...