Mystery Brew: Unveiling Secrets in the Coffee Roastery

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mystery Brew: Unveiling Secrets in the Coffee Roastery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die geur van vars, geroosterde koffiebone het die lug gevul in die knus koffieroostery in Kaapstad.En: The scent of fresh, roasted coffee beans filled the air in the cozy coffee roastery in Kaapstad.Af: Lente het in die stad aangebreek, en sagte sonlig het deur die groot vensters geskyn, wat 'n gesellige gloed oor die rustieke houttafels gewerp het.En: Spring had arrived in the city, and soft sunlight shone through the large windows, casting a warm glow over the rustic wooden tables.Af: Marli, met haar helderrooi voorskoot om, het vrolik die skottelgoed afgespoel.En: Marli, with her bright red apron on, cheerfully rinsed the dishes.Af: Sy was ’n nuuskierige barista wat daarvan gehou het om raaisels op te los.En: She was a curious barista who enjoyed solving mysteries.Af: Stefan, 'n gereelde klant, het sy gewone plek by die toonbank ingeneem.En: Stefan, a regular customer, took his usual place at the counter.Af: Hy was stil en oplettend, maar Marli het geweet hy het 'n geheim wat hom aan hierdie plek verbind.En: He was quiet and observant, but Marli knew he had a secret that connected him to this place.Af: Op hierdie besondere dag het 'n vreemde gebeurtenis plaasgevind.En: On this particular day, a strange event occurred.Af: 'n Mysterieuze koevert is by die toonbank gelaat.En: A mysterious envelope was left at the counter.Af: Marli se brein het dadelik begin draai.En: Marli's mind immediately began to whirl.Af: Wie het dit daar gelaat?En: Who had left it there?Af: Wat was binne die koevert?En: What was inside the envelope?Af: Stefan, met sy skerpioën-in-die-gras grin, het na die koevert gekyk.En: Stefan, with his sly "scorpion-in-the-grass" grin, looked at the envelope.Af: Hy het geweet Marli was nuuskierig, maar iets aan sy houding het getoon dat hy meer weet.En: He knew Marli was curious, but something about his demeanor showed that he knew more.Af: Marli byt op haar lip en besluit om die koevert verder te ondersoek.En: Marli bit her lip and decided to examine the envelope further.Af: "Het jy iets opgemerk oor hierdie koevert, Stefan?En: "Did you notice anything about this envelope, Stefan?"Af: " vra Marli terwyl sy die koevert optel en na die lig hou.En: asked Marli as she picked up the envelope and held it to the light.Af: Stefan het 'n oomblik getwyfel.En: Stefan hesitated for a moment.Af: Hy het diep asem gehaal en sy stem was sag.En: He took a deep breath, and his voice was soft.Af: "Ek dink.En: "I think...Af: ek het dalk 'n idee, maar ek kan nie alles vertel nie.En: I might have an idea, but I can't tell everything."Af: "Marli kon sien dat daar iets meer was.En: Marli could sense there was more.Af: Sy vertrou op haar instinkte en beslis.En: She trusted her instincts and pressed on.Af: Sy het Stean se hulp gevra, ongeag sy huiwering.En: She asked Stefan for help, despite his reluctance.Af: Saam het hulle die leidrade nagegaan.En: Together they went through the clues.Af: ’n Kode op die koevert se seël en 'n onduidelike handskrif het hulle na 'n ou boekwinkel net om die draai gelei.En: A code on the envelope's seal and an unclear handwriting led them to an old bookstore just around the corner.Af:...