Pants Down Panic: A Cape Town Caper
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Pants Down Panic: A Cape Town Caper Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Dit was 'n gewone sonskyndag in Kaapstad, die soort dag waar Johannes altyd op sy beste gevoel het.En: It was a regular sunny day in Cape Town, the kind of day when Johannes always felt at his best.Af: Met sy tas in die hand en 'n glimlag op sy gesig, was hy op pad na die lughawe.En: With his bag in hand and a smile on his face, he was on his way to the airport.Af: Hy het opgewonde gevoel vir die avontuur wat voorlê, maar min het hy geweet wat werklik op hom wag.En: He felt excited for the adventure ahead, but little did he know what truly awaited him.Af: Johannes het by die lughawe aangekom, sy kaartjies uitgedruk en deur die sekuriteitskontrole gegaan.En: Johannes arrived at the airport, printed his tickets, and went through security smoothly.Af: Alles het glad verloop totdat hy by die wagarea kom, waar hy 'n koffie gekoop en 'n oomblik van ontspanning geneem het.En: Everything was going well until he reached the waiting area, where he bought a coffee and took a moment to relax.Af: Na 'n paar minute staan hy op, reg om aan boord van sy vlug te gaan, toe hy iets vreemds opmerk.En: After a few minutes, he stood up, ready to board his flight, when he noticed something strange.Af: Sy broek, wat hy seker was hy het aangetrek die oggend, was nou spoorloos.En: His pants, which he was sure he had put on that morning, were now nowhere to be found.Af: Hy het net daar gestaan in sy onderbroek en 'n rooi gesig gekry van skaamte.En: There he stood in his underwear, feeling embarrassed.Af: Die mense rondom hom het begin giggel en fluister.En: The people around him started giggling and whispering.Af: Johannes was desperaat om te verstaan hoe hy in so 'n verleentheid kon beland.En: Johannes was desperate to understand how he could end up in such an embarrassment.Af: In sy paniek het hy begin onthou wat vroeër gebeur het.En: In his panic, he began to remember what had happened earlier.Af: Hy het sy broek uitgetrek toe hy deur die sekuriteitskontrole gegaan het, omdat die metaal detektor aanhoudend afgegaan het.En: He had taken off his pants when he went through security because the metal detector kept going off.Af: In al die haas om sy vlug te haal, het hy sy broek agtergelaat by die sekuriteit sonder om dit te besef.En: In all the rush to catch his flight, he had left his pants behind at security without realizing it.Af: Nou moes Johannes vinnig dink.En: Now Johannes had to think quickly.Af: Hy het teruggesnel na die sekuriteit en met die beamptes gepraat.En: He hurried back to security and spoke to the officers.Af: Hulle het hom 'n vreemde blik gegee, maar een vriendelike beampte het hom gehelp deur die verlore goedere te deursoek.En: They gave him a strange look, but one friendly officer helped him search for the lost items.Af: Terwyl Johannes angstig gewag het, het hy 'n plannetjie begin maak.En: While Johannes anxiously waited, he started to devise a plan.Af: Hy het besef dat mens altyd moet dubbel kontroleer jy het alles saam met jou.En: He realized that one must always double-check that you have everything with you.Af: Na 'n lang en senuweeagtige wag, het die beampte teruggekom, sy broek trots in die hand.En: After a long and nerve-wracking wait, the officer returned, proudly holding his pants.Af: Johannes het sy broek vinnig...