Photography & Words: Inspiration on the Garden Route
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Photography & Words: Inspiration on the Garden Route Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Luan staan langs die pad, sy kamera in die hand.En: Luan stands by the side of the road, his camera in hand.Af: Die briesie van die see maak sy hare deurmekaar.En: The sea breeze tousles his hair.Af: Die son sak stadiger as wat hy ooit gesien het.En: The sun is setting slower than he has ever seen.Af: Hy voel verlore.En: He feels lost.Af: Net 'n paar meter verder, leun Elise oor die reling.En: Just a few meters away, Elise leans over the railing.Af: Sy kyk na die golf breuke en sug.En: She watches the waves break and sighs.Af: Sy wonder of sy ooit weer sal kan skryf.En: She wonders if she will ever be able to write again.Af: Haar pen het stil geword.En: Her pen has fallen silent.Af: Luan stap nader.En: Luan steps closer.Af: "Dis mooi, né?En: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"Af: " sê hy.En: he says.Af: Elise glimlag skaars.En: Elise barely smiles.Af: "Ja, dis pragtig.En: "Yes, it's gorgeous."Af: " Sy draai om en ontmoet sy oë.En: She turns and meets his eyes.Af: "Ek is Elise.En: "I'm Elise."Af: ""Luan," sê hy, en steek sy hand uit.En: "Luan," he says, extending his hand.Af: Hulle sit saam op 'n houtbankie.En: They sit together on a wooden bench.Af: "Wat doen jy hier?En: "What are you doing here?"Af: " vra Elise.En: asks Elise.Af: "Ek is 'n fotograaf," sê Luan.En: "I'm a photographer," says Luan.Af: "Soek inspirasie.En: "Looking for inspiration.Af: En jy?En: And you?"Af: ""Ek is 'n skrywer, probeer 'n storie begin.En: "I'm a writer, trying to start a story."Af: " Elise kyk na die horison.En: Elise looks at the horizon.Af: Die volgende dag, loop hulle mekaar weer raak by 'n kospadstal.En: The next day, they run into each other again at a food stall.Af: "Wil jy saamry?En: "Want to join me?"Af: " vra Luan impulsief.En: asks Luan impulsively.Af: Elise dink kort.En: Elise thinks briefly.Af: "Ja, hoekom nie?En: "Yes, why not?Af: Ek het niks om te verloor nie.En: I have nothing to lose."Af: "En so ry hulle oor die kronkelende paaie van die Tuinroete.En: And so they drive along the winding roads of the Garden Route.Af: Hulle stop by verlate strandjies, bospaadjies, en stille klein dorpe.En: They stop at deserted beaches, forest paths, and quiet little towns.Af: Maar alhoewel hulle saam was, bly hulle op 'n afstand.En: But although they were together, they remained distant.Af: Luan se kamera klik, en Elise se notaboek bly leeg.En: Luan's camera clicks, and Elise's notebook stays empty.Af: Op een pragtige wintersdag stop hulle by 'n kloof.En: On one beautiful winter's day, they stop at a gorge.Af: Die uitsig is asemrowend.En: The view is breathtaking.Af: Luan soek na die perfekte hoek, terwyl Elise probeer skryf.En: Luan searches for the perfect angle while Elise tries to write.Af: Skielik ontplof 'n rusie.En: Suddenly, an argument erupts.Af: "Jy verstaan nie!En: "You don't understand!"Af: ” roep Luan.En: shouts Luan.Af:...