Picnic in Paradise: A Heartwarming Day at Stellenbosch Estate

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Picnic in Paradise: A Heartwarming Day at Stellenbosch Estate Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/picnic-in-paradise-a-heartwarming-day-at-stellenbosch-estate Story Transcript:Af: In die hart van die wynland, waar wingerde soos groen golwe oor die heuwels spoel, lê 'n pragtige wynlandgoed genaamd Stellenbosch.En: In the heart of wine country, where vineyards cascade over the hills like green waves, lies a beautiful wine estate named Stellenbosch.Af: Dis 'n helder lentemôre.En: It's a bright spring morning.Af: Die lug is vars en die son skyn liggies oor die dakke van die kelders.En: The air is fresh, and the sun gently shines over the cellar roofs.Af: Annelize en Jacobus stap hand aan hand.En: Annelize and Jacobus walk hand in hand.Af: Hulle het 'n piekniekkombers en mandjie vol lekkernye.En: They have a picnic blanket and a basket full of treats.Af: Vandag is 'n spesiale dag; dit is die eerste keer in maande dat hulle en hulle familie saam kan wees.En: Today is a special day; it's the first time in months that they and their family can be together.Af: "Hier is 'n mooi plek," sê Jacobus en stop onder 'n groot eikeboom.En: "Here's a nice spot," says Jacobus, stopping under a large oak tree.Af: Die blare ritsel rustig in die briesie.En: The leaves rustle quietly in the breeze.Af: Hulle sprei die kombers uit en sit die kos neer.En: They spread out the blanket and lay down the food.Af: Annelize glimlag en maak die mandjie oop.En: Annelize smiles and opens the basket.Af: "Ek het brood, kaas, en koue hoender gebring," sê sy trots.En: "I brought bread, cheese, and cold chicken," she says proudly.Af: "En natuurlik wyn van die landgoed!"En: "And of course, wine from the estate!"Af: Kort daarna arriveer die res van die familie.En: Shortly afterward, the rest of the family arrives.Af: Daar is gelag en geluide van kinders wat speel.En: There is laughter and the sounds of children playing.Af: Jacobus se suster, Maria, bring haar seuntjie, Pieter.En: Jacobus's sister, Maria, brings her little boy, Pieter.Af: Hy hardloop dadelik na die blommeveld by die dam.En: He immediately runs to the flower field by the dam.Af: "Kyk, Ma!" skree hy opgewonde.En: "Look, Mom!" he shouts excitedly.Af: "Ek het 'n padda gevind!"En: "I found a frog!"Af: Annelize en Jacobus sit langs mekaar en kyk hoe almal geniet.En: Annelize and Jacobus sit next to each other and watch as everyone enjoys themselves.Af: Dit is so lanklaas dat hulle so kon ontspan.En: It's been so long since they could relax like this.Af: "Ek het hierdie gemis," sê Annalize sag.En: "I've missed this," Annelize says softly.Af: Die middag verloop heerlik.En: The afternoon unfolds delightfully.Af: Hulle drink wyn en eet heerlike kos.En: They drink wine and eat delicious food.Af: Hulle vertel stories en onthou ou tye.En: They tell stories and reminisce about old times.Af: Die kinders lag en speel.En: The children laugh and play.Af: Die oumense sit in die son en gesels oor ou dae.En: The elderly sit in the sun and chat about bygone days.Af: Skielik kom 'n donker wolk nader.En: Suddenly, a dark cloud approaches.Af: Die eerste druppels reën begin val.En: The first raindrops begin to fall.Af: "Kry die kombers en kos!" roep Maria.En:...