Picnic Turns into Adventure at the Voortrekker Monument
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Picnic Turns into Adventure at the Voortrekker Monument Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/picnic-turns-into-adventure-at-the-voortrekker-monument Story Transcript:Af: Op 'n helder, blou lug Sondag, draai die sonnetjie om die Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria.En: On a bright, blue sky Sunday, the sun shines around the Voortrekker Monument in Pretoria.Af: Die groen gras is perfek vir 'n piekniek.En: The green grass is perfect for a picnic.Af: Annelize en Pieter besluit om hier 'n gesinsdag deur te bring.En: Annelize and Pieter decide to spend a family day here.Af: Annelize pak die piekniekmandjie vol lekkernye.En: Annelize packs the picnic basket full of treats.Af: "Pieter, het jy die komberse gebring?En: "Pieter, did you bring the blankets?"Af: " vra sy.En: she asks.Af: Pieter glimlag, "Ja, ek het hulle in die motor gelaai.En: Pieter smiles, "Yes, I loaded them in the car."Af: " Hulle gaan sit naby 'n groot eikeboom.En: They sit down near a large oak tree.Af: Die koelte is heerlik.En: The shade is lovely.Af: Annelize sit die mandjie oop.En: Annelize opens the basket.Af: Daar is koue hoender, tuisgemaakte brood, kaasskywe en soet lemoensap.En: There is cold chicken, homemade bread, cheese slices, and sweet orange juice.Af: Pieter trek 'n veldstoel nader.En: Pieter pulls a camping chair closer.Af: Hy kyk rond en sê, "Hier is pragtig.En: He looks around and says, "It's beautiful here.Af: Ons moet dit meer gereeld doen.En: We should do this more often."Af: "Annelize glimlag en antwoord, "Ek stem saam.En: Annelize smiles and replies, "I agree."Af: " Sy neem 'n groot sluk van haar lemoensap.En: She takes a big sip of her orange juice.Af: Hulle geniet die ete en die rustige atmosfeer.En: They enjoy the meal and the peaceful atmosphere.Af: Kinders speel naby en voëltjies sing in die bome.En: Children play nearby, and birds sing in the trees.Af: Alles voel perfek.En: Everything feels perfect.Af: Skielik hoor hulle 'n harde geritsel in die bos.En: Suddenly, they hear a loud rustling in the bushes.Af: Annelize verskrik, "Wat is dit?En: Annelize, startled, asks, "What is that?"Af: "Pieter staan op en sê, "Ek sal gaan kyk.En: Pieter stands up and says, "I'll go check."Af: " Hy stap nader en sien 'n klein, verlore hondjie.En: He walks closer and sees a small, lost puppy.Af: Dit tjank bekommerd.En: It whimpers worriedly.Af: Pieter roep uit, "Dis net 'n hondjie!En: Pieter calls out, "It's just a puppy!"Af: " Hy tel dit op en bring dit na Annelize.En: He picks it up and brings it to Annelize.Af: "O, arme ding!En: "Oh, poor thing!"Af: " sê sy.En: she says.Af: Sy gee die hondjie 'n stukkie hoender.En: She gives the puppy a piece of chicken.Af: Dit eet gretig.En: It eats eagerly.Af: Hulle besluit om na die naamplaatjie te kyk.En: They decide to look at the name tag.Af: "Bobby," lees Pieter hardop.En: "Bobby," Pieter reads aloud.Af: "Ons moet Bobby se eienaar vind.En: "We need to find Bobby's owner."Af: "Hulle stap saam om die Voortrekker Monument, rondkyk vir Bobby se eienaar.En: They walk around the Voortrekker Monument, looking for Bobby's owner.Af: Na 'n rukkie kom hulle 'n vrou...