Rekindling Bonds: A Sibling Reunion in Stellenbosch
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Rekindling Bonds: A Sibling Reunion in Stellenbosch Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die klok slaan drie in die middag.En: The clock strikes three in the afternoon.Af: Die lug is bewolk en die koelte van herfs steek deur die strate van Stellenbosch.En: The sky is overcast and the coolness of autumn stirs through the streets of Stellenbosch.Af: Binne 'n knus koffiewinkel, omhul in amberlig, sit Pieter by 'n ronde tafel.En: Inside a cozy coffee shop, enveloped in amber light, Pieter sits at a round table.Af: Johann, sy jonger neef, praat vrolik oor die geurige wynlande.En: Johann, his younger cousin, happily chats about the fragrant wine lands.Af: Die plek ruis sag met 'n gerustellende gemurmel van stemme en die klank van koppies wat liggies klink.En: The place softly hums with the comforting murmur of voices and the sound of cups gently clinking.Af: Pieter agteroor ondersteun homself op die sagte stoel terwyl sy gedagtes dwaal.En: Pieter leans back, supporting himself on the soft chair as his thoughts wander.Af: Vandag is 'n spesiale dag.En: Today is a special day.Af: Hy het nie Annelie, sy suster, in jare gesien nie.En: He hasn't seen Annelie, his sister, in years.Af: Hulle verhouding was altyd moeilik, vol misverstande en stilte.En: Their relationship had always been difficult, full of misunderstandings and silence.Af: Maar vandag is anders.En: But today is different.Af: Hulle moet werk maak van mending.En: They must make an effort to mend things.Af: Toe Annelie deur die deur instap, verander die atmosfeer.En: When Annelie steps through the door, the atmosphere changes.Af: Sy lyk sagter, met 'n glimlag wat haar oë bereik.En: She looks softer, with a smile that reaches her eyes.Af: Johann skud sy hande opgewonde.En: Johann excitedly shakes his hands.Af: "Daar is sy!" roep hy uit.En: "There she is!" he exclaims.Af: Pieter kyk op, 'n mengsel van angs en hoop in sy oë.En: Pieter looks up, a mix of anxiety and hope in his eyes.Af: Hulle bestel koffie.En: They order coffee.Af: Die aroma vul die lug, 'n troosboodskap in elke asemteug.En: The aroma fills the air, a message of comfort in every breath.Af: Niemand weet regtig hoe om te begin praat nie.En: No one really knows how to begin talking.Af: Johann probeer 'n ligte geselskap hou.En: Johann tries to keep a light conversation.Af: Maar Pieter weet hy moet gefokus wees.En: But Pieter knows he must stay focused.Af: Hy haal diep asem en kyk Annelie in die oë.En: He takes a deep breath and looks Annelie in the eyes.Af: "Ek is jammer," sê hy eenvoudig.En: "I'm sorry," he says simply.Af: "Ek het dinge verkeerd verstaan."En: "I misunderstood things."Af: Annelie sit haar koppie neer.En: Annelie puts down her cup.Af: Sy glimlag hartseer.En: She smiles sadly.Af: "Ek ook Pieter.En: "Me too, Pieter.Af: Ons het goed verloor oor dinge wat nie saak maak nie."En: We lost out on things that don't matter."Af: Hulle praat.En: They talk.Af: Die gesprek is breekbaar, soos blare wat onder 'n boom val.En: The conversation is fragile, like leaves falling beneath a tree.Af: Daar is trane, maar ook lag.En: There are tears, but also laughter.Af: Hulle noem...