Safari Snafu: Friends' Wild Mix-Up!

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Safari Snafu: Friends' Wild Mix-Up! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Op 'n sonskyn oggend het Pieter en Anika hulle tasse gepak vir 'n opwindende dag in die Krugerwildtuin.En: On a sunny morning, Pieter and Anika packed their bags for an exciting day in the Kruger National Park.Af: Hulle beste vriend Hendrik het 'n safari-toer gereël, en hulle was opgewonde om die wilde diere van naby te sien.En: Their best friend Hendrik had arranged a safari tour, and they were excited to see wild animals up close.Af: Soos wat hulle by die hekke van die wildtuin inry, kan hulle nie help om oor alles rondom hulle te verwonder nie.En: As they drove through the gates of the park, they couldn't help but marvel at everything around them.Af: Die natuur was 'n prentjie van groen bome en blou lug, met die geluide van voëls wat bo hulle sing.En: The scenery was a picture of green trees and blue sky, with the sounds of birds singing above them.Af: Hendrik, wat al 'n paar keer die wildtuin besoek het, het met 'n groot glimlag agter die stuurwiel gesit.En: Hendrik, who had visited the park several times before, sat behind the wheel with a big smile.Af: Hy het belowe dat hierdie toer een vir die boeke sou wees.En: He promised that this tour would be one for the books.Af: Toe hulle by die kamp aankom waar die toer sou begin, het hulle sien dat ander toeriste ook opgewonde was vir die dag wat voorlê.En: When they arrived at the camp where the tour would begin, they saw that other tourists were also excited for the day ahead.Af: Mense van oor die hele wêreld het kameras en verkykers gereed gehou.En: People from all over the world had cameras and binoculars ready.Af: Terwyl Pieter, Anika en Hendrik na die groep gids toeloop, het Pieter vinnig die badkamer toe gegaan.En: While Pieter, Anika, and Hendrik made their way to the group of guides, Pieter quickly went to the bathroom.Af: Anika, wat baie nuuskierig was, het nader aan die safari-voertuie beweeg om hulle beter te bekyk.En: Anika, who was very curious, moved closer to the safari vehicles to get a better look at them.Af: Sy was so meegevoer deur haar verwondering dat sy nie agtergekom het dat sy in ewebeeld van Pieter se baadjie is nie, wat hy spesiaal vir die safari gekoop het.En: She was so caught up in her wonder that she didn't realize she was wearing Pieter's jacket, which he had bought specifically for the safari.Af: Terwyl Anika foto's neem, kom Pieter uit die badkamer, maar dan hoor hy die gids sê die toer is op die punt om te begin.En: While Anika took photographs, Pieter came out of the bathroom, only to hear the guide say that the tour was about to begin.Af: In 'n gejaag, stap hy na 'n ander groep toeriste wat hy dink is sy vriende.En: In a rush, he walked over to another group of tourists whom he thought were his friends.Af: Die baadjies en hoede was soortgelyk en die opwinding van die oomblik het Pieter laat dink hy is op die regte plek.En: The jackets and hats were similar, and the excitement of the moment made Pieter think he was in the right place.Af: Hendrik het in die verwarring gedink Anika is Pieter weens haar baadjie.En: Amidst the confusion, Hendrik thought Anika was Pieter because of her jacket.Af: Hy lag en maak grappe met haar, al verwys hy heeltyd na haar as Pieter.En: He laughed and joked with her, constantly referring to her as Pieter.Af: Anika, verward maar geamuseerd, speel saam, en probeer haar...