Summer of Healing: A Son's Journey Through Fear and Hope
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Summer of Healing: A Son's Journey Through Fear and Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die hospitaal in Kaapstad was vol lewenskragtigheid.En: The hospital in Kaapstad was full of vitality.Af: Somersonstrale het helder deur die groot vensters in die wagkamer geskyn.En: Summer sunbeams shone brightly through the large windows in the waiting room.Af: Johan het daar gestaan, sy hande effens bewerig.En: Johan stood there, his hands slightly shaky.Af: Hy het al hoe meer aan sy pa, Pieter, gedink.En: He kept thinking more and more about his dad, Pieter.Af: Pieter sou binnekort 'n groot operasie ondergaan.En: Pieter would soon undergo a major surgery.Af: Die gedagte het Johan angstig gemaak.En: The thought made Johan anxious.Af: Elize, Johan se vriendin, het naby hom gestaan.En: Elize, Johan's girlfriend, stood near him.Af: Haar hand was op sy arm.En: Her hand was on his arm.Af: “Moet nie te veel bekommer nie, Johan,” het sy gesellig gesê.En: “Don’t worry too much, Johan,” she said cheerfully.Af: “Ons moet net vir Pieter daar wees. Hy het ons nodig.”En: “We just need to be there for Pieter. He needs us.”Af: Johan het diep asemgehaal.En: Johan took a deep breath.Af: Hy het geweet sy pa het altyd sterk voorgekom, maar niemand is onoorwinbaar nie.En: He knew his dad had always appeared strong, but no one is invincible.Af: "Ek weet," het Johan stadig geantwoord.En: "I know," Johan replied slowly.Af: “Ek is net bang vir wat gaan gebeur.”En: "I'm just scared of what will happen."Af: Die hospitaal was vol mense wat hul geliefdes opgepas het.En: The hospital was full of people caring for their loved ones.Af: Elize het darem ’n kalmerende teenwoordigheid gehad.En: Elize had a calming presence at least.Af: Sy het gehelp om Johan te herinner hoekom hulle daar was.En: She helped remind Johan why they were there.Af: Hulle het stadiger na Pieter se saal gewandel.En: They walked more slowly to Pieter's ward.Af: Hulle het Pieter in 'n bed gevind.En: They found Pieter in a bed.Af: Hy het rustig gelyk, maar moes binnekort teater toe geneem word.En: He looked calm but would soon be taken to the theater.Af: Johan het sy pa se hand gevat.En: Johan took his dad's hand.Af: Dit het koud gevoel, maar dié kontak het vir Johan 'n mate van krag gegee.En: It felt cold, but this contact gave Johan a measure of strength.Af: "Pa, ek is hier. Ons is hier vir jou," het hy gefluister.En: "Dad, I'm here. We are here for you," he whispered.Af: Pieter het geamptelik geantwoord, sy stem was sag: "Dankie, Johan. Ek gaan sterk wees."En: Pieter responded formally, his voice soft: "Thank you, Johan. I am going to be strong."Af: Die oomblik was broos, maar Johan het geweet hy moes sy vrees in die oë kyk.En: The moment was fragile, but Johan knew he had to face his fears.Af: Hy moes daar wees vir sy pa.En: He had to be there for his dad.Af: Elize het Johan se ander hand gevat en mecies geknyp.En: Elize took Johan's other hand and squeezed gently.Af: Hulle het saam daar gestaan, saam in hul geloof dat alles goed sou afloop.En: They stood there together, united in their belief that everything would turn out well.Af: Die ure het stadig verbygetik in die wagkamer.En: The hours...