Sunshine, Science, and Team Triumph in Kaapstad

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Sunshine, Science, and Team Triumph in Kaapstad Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor Golden Bay Beach.En: The sun shines brightly over Golden Bay Beach.Af: Somer in Kaapstad is ongelooflik warm en die see vol mense.En: Summer in Kaapstad is incredibly warm, and the sea is full of people.Af: Die reuk van soutwater en sonroom hang in die lug.En: The smell of saltwater and sunscreen hangs in the air.Af: Henriët, Ruan en Marlize sit onder 'n helder sambreel.En: Henriët, Ruan, and Marlize sit under a bright umbrella.Af: Hulle bespreek hul wetenskapprojekkompetisie.En: They are discussing their science project competition.Af: Henriët is vasberade om die kompetisie te wen vir die beurs.En: Henriët is determined to win the competition for the scholarship.Af: Sy is ambisieus en doelgerig.En: She is ambitious and goal-oriented.Af: "Ons moet 'n unieke idee hê," sê sy.En: "We need a unique idea," she says.Af: Ruan kyk na die see.En: Ruan looks at the sea.Af: Hy is maklik-gaan, maar diep binne voel hy onseker oor sy akademiese prestasie.En: He is easy-going, but deep down he feels uncertain about his academic performance.Af: "Wat van 'n projek oor hernubare energie?En: "What about a project on renewable energy?"Af: " stel Marlize voor.En: Marlize suggests.Af: Sy hou daarvan om mense bymekaar te bring.En: She likes to bring people together.Af: Henriët knik, maar sy het haar eie idees.En: Henriët nods, but she has her own ideas.Af: "Ons moet 'n projek hê wat uitstaan," sê sy.En: "We need a project that stands out," she says.Af: Hulle verskil oor die beste manier om dit te doen.En: They differ on the best way to do this.Af: Terselfdertyd rol romantiese musiek oor die strand.En: Meanwhile, romantic music drifts over the beach.Af: Dis amper Valentynsdag, en paartjies geniet die sonsondergang.En: It's almost Valentine's Day, and couples are enjoying the sunset.Af: Die diskoers raak taai.En: The discourse gets sticky.Af: Henriët voel gefrustreerd.En: Henriët feels frustrated.Af: Maar Marlize glimlag, "Kom ons kombineer ons idees.En: But Marlize smiles, "Let's combine our ideas.Af: Elke idee het potensiaal.En: Each idea has potential.Af: Kom ons werk saam.En: Let's work together."Af: "Ruan knik instemmend.En: Ruan nods in agreement.Af: "Ja, ons moet elkeen se sterkpunte gebruik.En: "Yes, we need to use each person's strengths."Af: " Hulle besluit om 'n prototipe van 'n sonkragkar te maak.En: They decide to create a prototype of a solar-powered car.Af: Die projek kombineer Henriët se navorsing, Ruan se kreatiewe oplossings, en Marlize se spanwerk.En: The project combines Henriët's research, Ruan's creative solutions, and Marlize's teamwork.Af: Op die dag van die kompetisie staan hulle op Golden Bay Beach, gereed vir hul vertoning.En: On the day of the competition, they stand on Golden Bay Beach, ready for their presentation.Af: Die see suis stadig op die agtergrond.En: The sea gently swishes in the background.Af: Die strand is vol mense wat die kompetisie dop hou.En: The beach is full of people watching the competition.Af: Die groep moet as 'n span werk om hul projek aan die beoordelaars te...