The Botanical Mystery: How Spring Solved a Garden Heist
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Botanical Mystery: How Spring Solved a Garden Heist Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die sonskyn dans oor die helder blomme van Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin.En: The sunshine dances over the bright flowers of the Kirstenbosch Botaniese Tuin.Af: Dit is lente, en die lug is vol die geur van vars blomme.En: It is spring, and the air is full of the scent of fresh flowers.Af: Anika stap deur die tuin.En: Anika walks through the garden.Af: Sy bekyk haar geliefde plante met 'n trotse glimlag.En: She examines her beloved plants with a proud smile.Af: Die spesiale uitstalling is vanmiddag.En: The special exhibition is this afternoon.Af: Sy hoop dit sal help om bewustheid oor plantebewaring te skep.En: She hopes it will help create awareness about plant conservation.Af: Aan die ander kant van die tuin staan Johan.En: On the other side of the garden stands Johan.Af: Hy hou sy kamera gereed en soek vir 'n goeie storie.En: He holds his camera ready, looking for a good story.Af: Sy oë glinster van opgewondenheid.En: His eyes glisten with excitement.Af: Johan wil die perfekte hoek kry vir sy artikel oor die uitstalling.En: Johan wants to find the perfect angle for his article about the exhibition.Af: Net 'n paar meter van hom af, sit Kobus op 'n bankie.En: Just a few meters away from him, Kobus sits on a bench.Af: Hy is 'n afgetrede speurder, maar selfs nou mis hy soms die opwinding van 'n goeie raaisel.En: He is a retired detective, but even now, he sometimes misses the excitement of a good mystery.Af: Die uitstalling is volgestop met mense.En: The exhibition is crowded with people.Af: Rare plante is oral, en in die middel is die hoofattraksie: 'n waardevolle artefak uit die geskiedenis van die tuin.En: Rare plants are everywhere, and at the center is the main attraction: a valuable artifact from the garden's history.Af: Mense staar met bewondering na die artefak.En: People stare at the artifact in admiration.Af: Maar skielik kom daar 'n rumoer.En: But suddenly, there's a commotion.Af: Die artefak is weg!En: The artifact is gone!Af: Anika is geskok.En: Anika is shocked.Af: Dit is 'n ramp vir die uitstalling.En: It's a disaster for the exhibition.Af: Sy loop na Johan en Kobus.En: She walks over to Johan and Kobus.Af: "Ons moet dit stil hou," sê Anika.En: "We need to keep this quiet," says Anika.Af: "Ons wil nie die besoekers paniekerig maak nie.En: "We don't want the visitors to panic."Af: " Johan knik, maar sy joernalisinstink sug na 'n groot storie.En: Johan nods, but his journalist instinct longs for a big story.Af: Kobus vou sy arms en kyk ernstig na die toneel.En: Kobus folds his arms and looks seriously at the scene.Af: Hulle begin die ondersoek.En: They start the investigation.Af: Anika hou die gaste dop, Johan vra vrae, en Kobus bestudeer elke detail.En: Anika watches the guests, Johan asks questions, and Kobus studies every detail.Af: Hulle gaan deur die ou strukture in die tuin.En: They go through the old structures in the garden.Af: Dis daar wat Kobus 'n eienaardige kraak opmerk.En: It's there that Kobus notices a peculiar crack.Af: Iets is vreemd.En: Something is strange.Af:...