The Gift of Presence: Johan's Christmas Revelation

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Gift of Presence: Johan's Christmas Revelation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor die stad soos die wind 'n sagte bries bring wat die blomme in die tuin laat dans.En: The sun shines brightly over the city as the wind brings a gentle breeze that makes the flowers in the garden dance.Af: Die strate van die stedelike oerwoud is vol lewe, met mense wat geskenke koop en versierings aan die ligpale hang.En: The streets of the urban jungle are bustling with life, with people buying gifts and hanging decorations on the lamp posts.Af: Die geur van vars gebakte brood en kaneel draai om elke hoek.En: The scent of freshly baked bread and cinnamon wafts around every corner.Af: Kersfees is om die draai, en almal is in 'n feestelike gees.En: Christmas is around the corner, and everyone is in a festive spirit.Af: In 'n klein, knus huisie tussen die hoë geboue, maak Johan en sy gesin gereed vir 'n groot Kersfees-gevier.En: In a small, cozy house among the tall buildings, Johan and his family are preparing for a big Christmas celebration.Af: Johan staan voor 'n verskeidenheid geskenke, sy gedagtes swaar van bekommernis.En: Johan stands before a variety of gifts, his thoughts heavy with worry.Af: Hy werk hard, dalk te hard, en hy is vasbeslote om hierdie jaar 'n perfekte Kersfees vir Anja, sy vrou, en Lukas, hulle seuntjie, te skep.En: He works hard, perhaps too hard, and he is determined to create a perfect Christmas this year for Anja, his wife, and Lukas, their little boy.Af: “Pappa, gaan ons die groot boom versier?En: "Dad, are we going to decorate the big tree?"Af: ” vra Lukas, sy oë blinkend van opwinding.En: asks Lukas, his eyes shining with excitement.Af: Johan glimlag en knik terwyl hy deur sy gedagtes probeer sorteer.En: Johan smiles and nods while trying to sort through his thoughts.Af: Sy werk het so veeleisend geraak dat hy bekommerd is dat hy nie genoeg tyd het om alles gereed te kry nie.En: His job has become so demanding that he worries he won't have enough time to get everything ready.Af: Anja kom die vertrek binne met 'n koppie warm tee.En: Anja enters the room with a cup of warm tea.Af: “Dit gaan goed, Johan.En: "It's going well, Johan.Af: Ons kan dit doen,” sê sy met 'n bemoedigende glimlag.En: We can do this," she says with an encouraging smile.Af: Sy kan sy sorge sien.En: She can see his worries.Af: Johan sug diep en besluit op daardie oomblik om 'n bietjie verantwoordelikheid by die werk af te skud.En: Johan sighs deeply and decides at that moment to let go of some responsibilities at work.Af: Hy maak 'n plan om met sy kollegas te praat om sy las tydelik ligter te maak.En: He makes a plan to talk to his colleagues to temporarily lighten his load.Af: Die dae vlieg verby, die huis vul met liggies en die geur van dennebome.En: The days fly by, the house filled with lights and the scent of pine trees.Af: Lukas hang sy eie handgemaakte versierings aan die takke terwyl hy vrolike liedjies sing.En: Lukas hangs his own handmade decorations on the branches while singing cheerful songs.Af: Johan het daarin geslaag om werkverantwoordelikhede te deel, en hy is nou meer teenwoordig by sy gesin.En: Johan has managed to share work responsibilities, and he is now more present with his family.Af: Maar dan, op Oukersaand, gaan dinge nie heeltemal soos beplan...