The Lab's Secret: When Curiosity Sparks Friendship
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Lab's Secret: When Curiosity Sparks Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die warm somerson, toe die saalhorlosie op die skool se muur "Kersfees" fluister, dra Pieter sy boekesak vol drome en idees.En: In the warm summer sun, when the hall clock on the school's wall whispers "Christmas," Pieter carries his backpack full of dreams and ideas.Af: Hy is vol verbeelding en liefde vir wetenskap.En: He is full of imagination and love for science.Af: Saam met sy klasmaats, Anja en Karin, beplan hy 'n projek vir die groot wetenskapkompetisie.En: Together with his classmates, Anja and Karin, he plans a project for the big science competition.Af: Die sonstrale speel op hul gezigte soos hulle besprekings voer op die skoolwerf.En: The sunbeams play on their faces as they hold discussions in the schoolyard.Af: "Ons moet iets besonders maak," sê Pieter, sy oë blink met ambisie.En: "We must create something special," says Pieter, his eyes shining with ambition.Af: "Iets wat my pa sou trots maak.En: "Something that would make my father proud."Af: "Maar hulle het 'n uitdaging.En: But they face a challenge.Af: Die skool se materiaal is nie genoeg vir hul groot planne nie.En: The school's materials are not enough for their big plans.Af: Die dae stap vinnig aan, die einde van die kwartaal en die groot kompetisie kom nader.En: The days pass quickly, the end of the term and the big competition draw closer.Af: Tye is druk, en die groep voel die druk om iets buitengewoon te skep.En: The times are demanding, and the group feels the pressure to create something extraordinary.Af: Een middag besluit Pieter op 'n gewaagde plan.En: One afternoon, Pieter decides on a daring plan.Af: "Kom saam met my laboratorium toe," nooi hy Anja en Karin, "'n plek waar ons al die hulpbronne het wat ons nodig het.En: "Come with me to the laboratory," he invites Anja and Karin, "a place where we have all the resources we need."Af: "Die laboratorium, 'n geheime stuk in sy pa se woning, is 'n wêreld van sy eie.En: The laboratory, a secret space in his father's home, is a world of its own.Af: Die binneste gloei met bloupunt skerms en glasprobe wat borrel.En: The interior glows with blue-point screens and bubbling glass probes.Af: Die reuk van chemikalieë, nuut en onbekend, vul die lug.En: The air is filled with the scent of chemicals, new and unknown.Af: "Wow," fluister Karin, stomverbaas.En: "Wow," whispers Karin, amazed.Af: Anja knik en kyk na Pieter met 'n skeut van afwagting.En: Anja nods and looks at Pieter with a hint of anticipation.Af: Met die glans van nuuskierigheid, begin hulle soek na die regte materiaal.En: With the gleam of curiosity, they begin to search for the right materials.Af: Skielik, terwyl Pieter 'n blink toestel betas, hoor hulle 'n sagte klik.En: Suddenly, as Pieter touches a shiny device, they hear a soft click.Af: 'n Masjien begin flikker en vibrasies vul die kamer.En: A machine starts to flicker, and vibrations fill the room.Af: "Nee, Pieter!En: "No, Pieter!"Af: " gil Anja, paniek in haar stem.En: screams Anja, panic in her voice.Af: Hulle probeer vinnig die masjien stop, elke beweging is vrees of dit die verkeerde skakelaar is.En: They quickly try to stop the machine, every movement is feared to be the wrong switch.Af: In 'n oomblik...