The Mystery of the Missing Ballot Box

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Mystery of the Missing Ballot Box Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig oor die klein dorpie in die Wes-Kaap.En: The sun sets slowly over the small town in the Wes-Kaap.Af: Die lug is vol somerhitte en die gemeenskapsentrum, met sy eenvoudige mure en jagterandas bome, ritsel onder die gedruis van opgewonde stemme.En: The air is full of summer heat, and the community center, with its simple walls and yellow wood trees, hums with the buzz of excited voices.Af: Vandag moes alles vlot verloop het – tot die oomblik toe die stembus weggeraak het.En: Today, everything should have gone smoothly—until the moment the ballot box went missing.Af: Johan, die dorp se pligsgetroue klerk, staan regop terwyl sy hande effens bewe.En: Johan, the town's conscientious clerk, stands upright as his hands tremble slightly.Af: Hy was verantwoordelik vir die verkiesing.En: He was responsible for the election.Af: "Waar is die stembus?En: "Where is the ballot box?"Af: " wonder Johan hardop.En: Johan wonders aloud.Af: Marlene, die passievolle gemeenskapsaktivis, stap nader.En: Marlene, the passionate community activist, steps closer.Af: Haar oë brand van vasberadenheid.En: Her eyes burn with determination.Af: Sy het geweet haar mentor het deelgeneem aan die verkiesing, en sy moes seker maak alles is regverdig.En: She knew her mentor participated in the election, and she had to ensure everything was fair.Af: "Ons moet die waarheid vind, Johan," sê sy ferm.En: "We must find the truth, Johan," she says firmly.Af: Pieter, die vriendelike bakkery-eienaar, probeer die spanning vermy.En: Pieter, the friendly bakery owner, tries to avoid the tension.Af: "Ek het nog koeke om te bak.En: "I still have cakes to bake.Af: Maar ek sal help," sê hy met 'n skewe glimlag.En: But I'll help," he says with a wry smile.Af: Die laaste ding wat hy nodig het, is 'n skandaal wat sy besigheid beïnvloed.En: The last thing he needs is a scandal affecting his business.Af: Johan sug.En: Johan sighs.Af: Hy het geen keuse nie.En: He has no choice.Af: Hy moet Marlene se hulp aanvaar, al is hy bang dat sy planne kan verongeluk.En: He must accept Marlene's help, even though he's afraid her plans might go awry.Af: Hulle besluit om deur die gemeenskapsentrum te begin soek.En: They decide to start searching through the community center.Af: Plakkate van vorige dorpvergaderings hang aan die mure.En: Posters from previous town meetings hang on the walls.Af: Tussen die velle papier vind hulle onverwags 'n ronde toegang na 'n kamertjie.En: Among the sheets of paper, they unexpectedly find a round access to a small room.Af: In daardie kamertjie staan 'n televisieskerm.En: In that small room stands a television screen.Af: Die sekuriteitsbeeldmateriaal speel steeds, maar iets is nie reg nie.En: The security footage is still playing, but something is not right.Af: Die tydstempels loop verkeerd.En: The timestamps are wrong.Af: Iemand het dit verander.En: Someone has changed them.Af: "Hier is 'n leidraad," sê Marlene, met 'n vinger op die knoppie.En: "Here is a clue," says Marlene, with a finger on the button.Af: "Iemand van binne het die kamera se tyd gemanipuleer.En: "Someone from the inside has manipulated the camera's...