The Shearer’s Challenge: A Village Bet Transformed
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: The Shearer’s Challenge: A Village Bet Transformed Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Pieter stap deur die koue, stil strate van die bergdorpie.En: Pieter walks through the cold, quiet streets of the mountain village.Af: Sy asem vorm wolkies in die yskoue lug.En: His breath forms little clouds in the icy air.Af: Hy sien 'n bordjie: "Skaapskeerkompetisie Vandag!En: He sees a sign: "Sheep Shearing Competition Today!"Af: ""Nooit geskeer nie, maar hoe moeilik kan dit wees?En: "Never sheared before, but how hard can it be?"Af: " flits die gedagte by hom op.En: the thought flashes through his mind.Af: Hy het onlangs met 'n vriend gewed hy kan enigiets doen.En: He recently bet a friend that he could do anything.Af: Hierdie was sy kans om te wys hy is reg.En: This was his chance to prove he was right.Af: Pieter stap na die dorpsplein.En: Pieter heads to the town square.Af: Dit is bedrywig met mense.En: It’s bustling with people.Af: Daar is 'n groot omheining vol blêrende skape.En: There’s a large enclosure full of bleating sheep.Af: Hy sien plaaslike skapeerders met hul skerp skêre en kyk hoe hulle vlot werk.En: He watches local shearers with their sharp shears and sees how efficiently they work.Af: 'N Inspekteur sien Pieter kom aangestap.En: An inspector sees Pieter approaching.Af: "Wil jy deelneem?En: "Want to participate?"Af: " vra hy vriendelik.En: he asks kindly.Af: "Pieter aanvaar, probeer selfversekerd lyk.En: Pieter accepts, trying to look confident.Af: "Reg," sê hy met ‘n glimlag, maar binne voel hy angstig.En: "Sure," he says with a smile, but inside he feels anxious.Af: Hy het nog nooit 'n skaap geskeer nie.En: He has never sheared a sheep before.Af: Hy besluit om raad by die plaaslike mense te vra.En: He decides to seek advice from the locals.Af: Hy kyk om hom rond, op soek na iemand wat kan help.En: He looks around, searching for someone who can help.Af: Hy sien 'n ouer boer, met ‘n vriendelike gesig.En: He sees an older farmer with a friendly face.Af: "Jou eerste keer?En: "Your first time?"Af: " vra die boer.En: the farmer asks.Af: "Ja," antwoord Pieter skaam.En: "Yes," Pieter responds shyly.Af: "En ek weet nie eintlik hoe nie.En: "And I don't really know how."Af: "Die boer lag, "Dis nie maklik nie, maar ek sal jou help.En: The farmer laughs, "It’s not easy, but I'll help you."Af: " Hy wys hom hoe om die skêr reg te hou en hoe om die skaap stil te maak.En: He shows him how to hold the shears properly and how to calm the sheep.Af: Pieter voel effens meer op sy gemak.En: Pieter feels slightly more at ease.Af: Pieter se naam word geroep.En: Pieter's name is called.Af: Hy stap nader, vat 'n skêr en kies 'n skaap.En: He steps forward, grabs a pair of shears, and chooses a sheep.Af: Die skaap kyk hom aan, lyk glad nie gelukkig nie.En: The sheep looks at him, clearly not pleased.Af: Pieter probeer die skaap stil maak, maar die skaap spring weg.En: Pieter tries to calm the sheep, but it jumps away.Af: Hy verloor sy balans en val op die grond.En: He loses his balance and falls to the ground.Af: Die skare lag, maar Pieter staan op en...