Time-Traveling on Table Mountain: An Educational Adventure

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Time-Traveling on Table Mountain: An Educational Adventure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/time-traveling-on-table-mountain-an-educational-adventure Story Transcript:Af: Karel en Anel stap stadig op Tafelberg.En: Karel and Anel are walking steadily on Table Mountain.Af: Die lug is helder en die wind waai sag.En: The air is clear and the wind blows gently.Af: Hulle hou vakansie in Kaapstad.En: They are on vacation in Cape Town.Af: Karel en Anel is beste vriende.En: Karel and Anel are best friends.Af: Hulle het gehoor dat daar iets spesiaals op Tafelberg is.En: They have heard that there is something special on Table Mountain.Af: "Het jy gehoor van die nuwe tegnologie, Anel?En: "Have you heard about the new technology, Anel?"Af: " vra Karel nuuskierig.En: Karel asks curiously.Af: "Ja, Karel," antwoord Anel.En: "Yes, Karel," Anel replies.Af: "Dit laat mense toe om holografies na die verlede te reis.En: "It allows people to travel holographically to the past.Af: Ek is baie opgewonde!En: I'm very excited!"Af: "Hulle bereik die plek waar die tegnologie gestasie is.En: They reach the place where the technology is stationed.Af: Daar is 'n groot masjien met baie ligte en knoppies.En: There is a large machine with many lights and buttons.Af: 'n Vriendelike vrou, Maria, verwelkom hulle.En: A friendly woman, Maria, welcomes them.Af: "Welkom!En: "Welcome!Af: Is julle gereed vir die avontuur?En: Are you ready for the adventure?"Af: " vra Maria.En: Maria asks.Af: "Ja, ons is gereed!En: "Yes, we are ready!"Af: " sê Karel met 'n groot glimlag.En: says Karel with a big smile.Af: Maria help Karel en Anel om die spesiale helm op te sit.En: Maria helps Karel and Anel put on the special helmet.Af: Sy druk 'n paar knoppies en sê, "Geniet jou reis na die verlede!En: She presses a few buttons and says, "Enjoy your journey to the past!"Af: "Skielik verander die landskap.En: Suddenly the landscape changes.Af: Hulle staan in die jaar 1652.En: They are standing in the year 1652.Af: Hulle sien Jan van Riebeeck wat besig is om met slawe te handel.En: They see Jan van Riebeeck engaging in slave trade.Af: Karel en Anel voel hartseer.En: Karel and Anel feel sad.Af: "Kyk, Karel.En: "Look, Karel.Af: Dit is verkeerd," sê Anel teleurgesteld.En: This is wrong," Anel says disappointedly.Af: "Die slawe ly so baie.En: "The slaves are suffering so much."Af: ""Ja, Anel.En: "Yes, Anel.Af: Maar ons is net toeskouers.En: But we are only spectators.Af: Ons kan nie ingryp nie," sê Karel, ook teleurstellend.En: We can't intervene," Karel says, also disappointed.Af: Hulle beweeg aan.En: They move on.Af: Die masjien neem hulle verder in die tyd.En: The machine takes them further in time.Af: Hulle sien die bou van die kasteel en die aankoms van skepe vol nuwe mense.En: They see the building of the castle and the arrival of ships full of new people.Af: Dit is 'n moeilike tyd, maar ook vol avontuur.En: It is a difficult time, but also full of adventure.Af: "Dit is ongelooflik," sê Karel.En: "This is incredible," says Karel.Af: "Maar kom ons keer terug na ons eie tyd.En: "But let's return...