Tourist or Springbok? A Karoo Faux Pas
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Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Tourist or Springbok? A Karoo Faux Pas Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig oor die Karoo Nasionale Park, en gooi lang skaduwees oor die uitgestrekte vlaktes.En: The sun slowly sets over the Karoo National Park, casting long shadows over the vast plains.Af: Pieter en Annelize stap moeg maar opgewonde op 'n klein paadjie wat deur die dorre landskap kronkel.En: Pieter and Annelize walk, tired but excited, along a small path winding through the dry landscape.Af: Pieter, 'n lang man met 'n wydgerande hoed, het sy kamera gereed gehou.En: Pieter, a tall man with a wide-brimmed hat, had his camera ready.Af: Hy het gehoop om die perfekte foto van 'n Karoo sonsondergang te kry.En: He was hoping to get the perfect photo of a Karoo sunset.Af: Annelize, aan die ander kant, was meer geïnteresseerd in die geologie van die streek.En: Annelize, on the other hand, was more interested in the geology of the area.Af: Sy versamel klippe en neem notas in haar klein groen notaboek.En: She collected rocks and took notes in her small green notebook.Af: Terwyl hulle stap, kom 'n geruis soos sagte voetstappe van ver af Pieter se ore binne.En: As they walked, a rustling, like soft footsteps, reached Pieter's ears from a distance.Af: Hy draai sy kop skerp na links en vang 'n glimp op van beweging agter 'n bos.En: He sharply turned his head to the left and caught a glimpse of movement behind a bush.Af: Sonder om te dink, maak hy sy kamera gereed.En: Without hesitation, he readied his camera.Af: "Toeriste!En: "Tourists!"Af: " fluister hy opgewonde vir Annelize, wat te besig is om 'n ongewone rotsformasie te bewonder.En: he whispered excitedly to Annelize, who was busy admiring an unusual rock formation.Af: Pieter sluip nader aan die beweging sonder om sy oë van die soekerskerm af te haal.En: Pieter crept closer to the movement without taking his eyes off the viewfinder.Af: Hy sien kleure, beweging, en figure wat hy vir mense met breë hoede en kleurryke rugsakke aansien.En: He saw colors, movement, and figures that he mistook for people with broad hats and colorful backpacks.Af: Hy fokus in en neem 'n paar vinnige foto's.En: He focused in and took a few quick photos.Af: "Kyk hoe staan hulle stil, perfekte modelle!En: "Look how they stand still, perfect models!"Af: " sê hy, 'n breë glimlag oor sy gesig.En: he said, a broad smile on his face.Af: Annelize kyk vinnig op en sien onmiddellik dat Pieter se 'toeriste' eintlik 'n trop springbokke is wat grasieus tussen die bosse beweeg.En: Annelize quickly looked up and immediately saw that Pieter's "tourists" were actually a herd of springboks gracefully moving among the bushes.Af: Sy bars uit van die lag.En: She burst out laughing.Af: "Pieter!En: "Pieter!"Af: " roep sy.En: she called.Af: "Dis springbokke, nie mense nie!En: "They're springboks, not people!"Af: "Pieter kyk omhoog van sy kamera, en sy gesig verander van trots na verbasing as hy noukeurig na die 'toeriste' kyk wat nou duidelik gras vreet en rustig rondspring.En: Pieter looked up from his camera, and his expression changed from pride to astonishment as he carefully looked at the "tourists" who were now clearly grazing and leisurely leaping around.Af: Hy begin saam lag, sy skaamte vinnig vervang deur die humor van die situasie.En: He began...