Transforming Kirstenbosch: A Blooming Tale of Teamwork and Nature
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Transforming Kirstenbosch: A Blooming Tale of Teamwork and Nature Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die vroeë oggendson skein Kirstenbosch Nasionale Botaniese Tuin soos 'n kostelike edelsteen.En: In the early morning sun, Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden shines like a precious gemstone.Af: Pieter en Elmarie staan by die ingangshek, gereed met hul handskoene en grawe.En: Pieter and Elmarie stand at the entrance gate, ready with their gloves and shovels.Af: Hulle is gevra om 'n nuwe tuinafdeling te help plant.En: They have been asked to help plant a new section of the garden.Af: Pieter se hande jeuk van opgewondenheid.En: Pieter's hands itch with excitement.Af: Hy hou van die tuin.En: He loves the garden.Af: Sy gesig lig op soos hy vorentoe stap.En: His face lights up as he steps forward.Af: Elmarie, met haar vriendelike glimlag, volg hom.En: Elmarie, with her friendly smile, follows him.Af: Sy dra 'n hoed teen die son.En: She wears a hat against the sun.Af: Sy hou ook van plante en blomme.En: She also loves plants and flowers.Af: "Waar begin ons?" vra Pieter en kyk rond.En: “Where do we start?” asks Pieter, looking around.Af: "Hierdie kant," wys Elmarie na 'n oop stuk aarde.En: “This way,” Elmarie points to an open piece of soil.Af: Dit is perfek vir hul nuwe plante.En: It is perfect for their new plants.Af: Die blomme staan reeds gereed in verskillende potte.En: The flowers are already prepared in various pots.Af: Kleure van rooi, geel, en pers.En: Colors of red, yellow, and purple.Af: Pieter begin die grond omdolwe.En: Pieter begins to dig the soil.Af: Elmarie plant die eerste blom.En: Elmarie plants the first flower.Af: Die reuk van vars grond vul die lug.En: The smell of fresh soil fills the air.Af: Hulle werk as 'n span.En: They work as a team.Af: Pieter grawe, Elmarie plant.En: Pieter digs, Elmarie plants.Af: Ure gaan verby.En: Hours pass by.Af: 'n Paar toeskouers begin versamel.En: A few onlookers start to gather.Af: Mense hou van die nuwe kleurvolle afdeling.En: People love the new colorful section.Af: 'n Klein seuntjie, met groot oë, kom nader.En: A small boy, with wide eyes, approaches.Af: "Kan ek help?" vra hy skaam.En: “Can I help?” he asks shyly.Af: Pieter gee hom 'n klein graaf.En: Pieter hands him a small shovel.Af: "Natuurlik! Kom ons plant hierdie een!"En: “Of course! Let’s plant this one!”Af: Die seuntjie se oë lig op en hy begin saam werk.En: The boy’s eyes light up, and he starts working with them.Af: Hulle plant rooi rose, geel madeliefies, en pers laventel.En: They plant red roses, yellow daisies, and purple lavender.Af: Met die laaste blom geplant, stap Pieter en Elmarie 'n paar treë terug.En: With the last flower planted, Pieter and Elmarie take a few steps back.Af: Hulle kyk na hul handewerk.En: They look at their handiwork.Af: Dit is pragtig.En: It is beautiful.Af: Kleure skitter in die sonlig.En: Colors glitter in the sunlight.Af: Dié hoek van die tuin het verander na 'n kleurvolle paradys.En: This corner of the garden has transformed into a colorful paradise.