Trust and Survival: A Journey in the Post-Apocalyptic Karoo

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Trust and Survival: A Journey in the Post-Apocalyptic Karoo Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:Af: In die winterse koue van die post-apokaliptiese Karoo het Hendrik en Mariska langs 'n verroeste windpomp gestaan.En: In the winter cold of the post-apocalyptic Karoo, Hendrik and Mariska stood beside a rusted windmill.Af: Die wind huil oor die dorre vlakte, en die aarde was droog en gebarsten.En: The wind howled across the barren landscape, and the earth was dry and cracked.Af: Hulle was dors, baie dors.En: They were thirsty, very thirsty.Af: Hendrik knyp sy oë teen die helder son.En: Hendrik squinted against the bright sun.Af: "Ons moet water kry, Mariska," sê hy.En: "We need to find water, Mariska," he said.Af: Sy stem is beslis, sterk, maar daar is 'n sweem van wanhoop daarin.En: His voice was determined, strong, but there was a hint of despair in it.Af: Mariska, met haar donker hare vasgebind in 'n netjiese poniestert, kyk na Hendrik.En: Mariska, with her dark hair tied in a neat ponytail, looked at Hendrik.Af: "Ek vertrou jou," sê sy.En: "I trust you," she said.Af: "Waarheen nou?"En: "Where to now?"Af: "Ons moet dieper die woestyn in. Daar is 'n ou kaart wat vertel van 'n ondergrondse akwifer daar," sê Hendrik.En: "We need to go deeper into the desert. There’s an old map that speaks of an underground aquifer there," Hendrik said.Af: Hy trek die kaart uit 'n verslete sak en wys met 'n vinger na 'n merk daarop.En: He pulled the map from a worn-out pocket and pointed to a mark on it.Af: Mariska knik en volg hom stil-stil.En: Mariska nodded and quietly followed him.Af: Die Karoo was nie meer soos voorheen nie.En: The Karoo was no longer as it once was.Af: Weg was die min groenigheid, net dorre sand en ruïnes van verlore nedersettings het oorgebly.En: Gone was the little greenery, only barren sand and ruins of lost settlements remained.Af: Hulle stap vir ure, dalk dae, met slegs die sterre om hulle pad in die nag te verlig.En: They walked for hours, maybe days, with only the stars to light their way at night.Af: Uiteindelik, op 'n koue wintermiddag, sien hulle iets in die verte.En: Finally, on a cold winter afternoon, they saw something in the distance.Af: 'n Klein krater met 'n ou put.En: A small crater with an old well.Af: "Dink jy dis hier?" vra Mariska, haar stem vol hoop.En: "Do you think it’s here?" asked Mariska, her voice full of hope.Af: Hendrik knik en storm vorentoe, maar net toe hulle nader kom, hoor hulle stemme.En: Hendrik nodded and rushed forward, but just as they got closer, they heard voices.Af: Ander oorlewendes.En: Other survivors.Af: Hendrik strek sy hand uit om Mariska te waarsku.En: Hendrik reached out his hand to warn Mariska.Af: "Ander mense beteken gevaar."En: "Other people mean danger."Af: Hulle versteek hulself en luister.En: They hid and listened.Af: 'n Groep mense bewaak die put.En: A group of people guarded the well.Af: Hulle gesigte is vuil en vermoeid.En: Their faces were dirty and weary.Af: Hendrik besef hulle is net so desperaat soos hy en Mariska.En: Hendrik realized they were just as desperate as he and Mariska were.Af: "Ek gaan met hulle praat," sê Hendrik.En: "I’m going to talk to...