Uncovering Nova: The Secret City Beneath Table Mountain

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Uncovering Nova: The Secret City Beneath Table Mountain Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/uncovering-nova-the-secret-city-beneath-table-mountain Story Transcript:Af: Onder die helder hemel van Kaapstad, vertrek Pieter, Annelize en Johan op 'n avontuur oor Tafelberg.En: Under the clear sky of Cape Town, Pieter, Annelize, and Johan set off on an adventure over Table Mountain.Af: Die son geniet 'n vroeë oggendfotosessie.En: The sun is enjoying an early morning photo session.Af: Die drie vriende stap vrolik.En: The three friends walk cheerfully.Af: "Dis mooi hier," sê Annelize en neem die uitsig in.En: "It's beautiful here," says Annelize, taking in the view.Af: "Ja, maar ek hoor daar is meer as net natuurskoon," sê Pieter en kyk geheimnisvol rond.En: "Yes, but I've heard there's more than just scenery," says Pieter, looking around mysteriously.Af: "Wat bedoel jy?" vra Johan, nuuskierig.En: "What do you mean?" asks Johan, curious.Af: "Ek het gehoor daar is 'n geheime plek onder die berg," antwoord Pieter.En: "I heard there's a secret place beneath the mountain," answers Pieter.Af: "Kom ons kyk," stel Annelize voor, opgewonde oor die idee.En: "Let's check it out," suggests Annelize, excited about the idea.Af: Hulle begin om 'n rots.En: They start around a rock.Af: Na 'n paar minute sien Pieter iets vreemds.En: After a few minutes, Pieter spots something strange.Af: "Daar is 'n deur!" roep hy. Dit was nie sommer enige deur nie. Dit was ystergroot en vol ou simbole.En: "There's a door!" he exclaims. It wasn't just any door. It was an iron door covered in old symbols.Af: "Moet ons ingaan?" vra Johan weg.En: "Should we go in?" asks Johan hesitantly.Af: "Ja," sê Pieter dapper en maak die deur oop.En: "Yes," says Pieter bravely and opens the door.Af: Agter die deur was 'n donker tonnel.En: Behind the door was a dark tunnel.Af: Hulle stap stadig in.En: They step in slowly.Af: Na 'n paar meter brand helder ligte aan en onthul 'n groot stad.En: After a few meters, bright lights turn on, revealing a large city.Af: "Dit lyk ongelooflik!" sê Annelize verbaas.En: "It looks incredible!" says Annelize in amazement.Af: Die stad was vol geboue wat blink en skyn.En: The city was full of buildings that glimmered and shined.Af: Mense dryf in die lug in futuristiese voertuie.En: People floated in the air in futuristic vehicles.Af: Robots loop rond en help met alles.En: Robots walked around, helping with everything.Af: "Dis onwerklik," sê Johan. "Hoe kan dit onder Tafelberg wees?"En: "This is unreal," says Johan. "How can this be under Table Mountain?"Af: 'N Vriendelike robot nader hulle.En: A friendly robot approaches them.Af: "Welkom," sê die robot. "Dit is Nova. 'n Stad van die toekoms."En: "Welcome," says the robot. "This is Nova, a city of the future."Af: "Hoe lank is dit hier?" vra Pieter.En: "How long has it been here?" asks Pieter.Af: "Baie jare," antwoord die robot. "Ons wag vir mense soos julle."En: "Many years," answers the robot. "We have been waiting for people like you."Af: Die drie vriende verken die stad.En: The three friends explore the city.Af: Hulle sien tegnologie wat hulle nie eens kon droom nie.En: They see technology they couldn't even dream of.Af: Hulle ontmoet mense van oor die hele...