Unlocking Table Mountain's Hidden Portal: A Journey Across Worlds
FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org

Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Unlocking Table Mountain's Hidden Portal: A Journey Across Worlds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlocking-table-mountains-hidden-portal-a-journey-across-worlds Story Transcript:Af: Die wind het saggies oor die vlaktes gewaai, daar hoog bo op Tafelberg.En: The wind blew gently across the plains, high up on Table Mountain.Af: Johan en Elmarie het gestaan en oor die stad gekyk.En: Johan and Elmarie stood and looked over the city.Af: Die son het begin sak, en 'n goue gloed het oor alles gespoel.En: The sun began to set, and a golden glow washed over everything.Af: "Het jy al ooit gewonder wat hierbo versteek is?En: "Have you ever wondered what's hidden up here?"Af: " vra Johan met 'n glimlag.En: asked Johan with a smile.Af: Elmarie het geglimlag en ingestem.En: Elmarie smiled and nodded in agreement.Af: Hulle het terug na die pad begin stap toe Johan iets blinkers in die gras gewaar.En: They began to walk back to the path when Johan noticed something shiny in the grass.Af: "Wat is dit?En: "What is that?"Af: " vra hy en buk om dit nader te bekyk.En: he asked, bending down to take a closer look.Af: Dit was 'n metaalplaatjie met vreemde inskripsies.En: It was a metal plate with strange inscriptions.Af: "Los dit liewer, Johan," sê Elmarie, maar Johan was te nuuskierig.En: "Better leave it alone, Johan," said Elmarie, but Johan was too curious.Af: Hy het sy hand uitgestrek en dit aangeraak.En: He reached out his hand and touched it.Af: Skielik het 'n helder lig uit die grond geskiet en 'n hologramportaal het verskyn.En: Suddenly, a bright light shot out of the ground, and a hologram portal appeared.Af: Elmarie het geskrik.En: Elmarie was startled.Af: "Wat het jy gedoen?En: "What did you do?"Af: " roep sy.En: she exclaimed.Af: Die portaal het begin draai en 'n sagte hum het deur die lug gesweef.En: The portal began to spin, and a soft hum filled the air.Af: "Dit lyk soos 'n portaal," sê Johan.En: "It looks like a portal," said Johan.Af: Hy wink vir Elmarie om nader te kom.En: He motioned for Elmarie to come closer.Af: Hulle het na die pragtige, draaiende liggestalte gestaar.En: They stared at the beautiful, rotating light formation.Af: Moed bymekaargeskraap, sê Johan: "Kom ons probeer dit uit.En: Gathering his courage, Johan said, "Let's try it out."Af: " Elmarie het huiwerig nader geskuifel.En: Elmarie hesitantly shuffled closer.Af: "Seker ons sal terug kan kom?En: "Are you sure we'll be able to come back?"Af: " vra sy.En: she asked.Af: Maar Johan was reeds besig om vorentoe te stap.En: But Johan was already stepping forward.Af: Hy raak die rand van die portaal aan, en met 'n flits van lig verdwyn hy.En: He touched the edge of the portal, and with a flash of light, he disappeared.Af: Elmarie het nie veel tyd gehad om bang te wees nie.En: Elmarie didn't have much time to be scared.Af: Sy stap ook na vore en skielik vind sy haar in 'n ander plek.En: She stepped forward too, and suddenly found herself in another place.Af: Sy was op 'n strand, met helder blou water om haar.En: She was on a beach, with bright blue water around her.Af: Johan het haar hand gegryp en gelag.En: Johan grabbed her hand and laughed.Af: "Ons is in...