Unplanned Adventures: Finding Friendship on the Garden Route

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Unplanned Adventures: Finding Friendship on the Garden Route Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.com/af/episode/2024-11-25-23-34-02-af Story Transcript:Af: Die Garden Route is pragtig in die lente.En: The Garden Route is beautiful in the spring.Af: Blomme blom oral, en die lug is vars en helder.En: Flowers bloom everywhere, and the air is fresh and clear.Af: Kobus, Elmarie, en Pieter ry saam in ’n ou bakkie.En: Kobus, Elmarie, and Pieter are riding together in an old pickup truck.Af: Dit is ’n spesiale naweek.En: It's a special weekend.Af: Kobus het die trip beplan om ou herinneringe weer te beleef.En: Kobus has planned the trip to relive old memories.Af: "Ons het al baie avonture saam gehad," sê Kobus met ’n glimlag.En: "We've had many adventures together," Kobus says with a smile.Af: Hy onthou die dae toe hulle jonger was en sonder ’n plan reguit die onbekende ingery het.En: He remembers the days when they were younger and drove straight into the unknown without a plan.Af: Elmarie sit agter, haar wenkbroue effens gefrons.En: Elmarie is sitting in the back, her eyebrows slightly furrowed.Af: Sy is nie tevrede oor die kampeerplan nie.En: She's not happy about the camping plan.Af: "Ek hoop jy het alles gereël, Kobus," sê sy.En: "I hope you've arranged everything, Kobus," she says.Af: "Ek het nie lus vir slap op harde grond nie.En: "I'm not in the mood for sleeping on hard ground."Af: "Pieter lag uit sy maag.En: Pieter laughs heartily.Af: Hy hou van Elmarie se praktiese benadering en Kobus se avontuurlustigheid.En: He enjoys Elmarie's practical approach and Kobus's adventurous spirit.Af: "Ontspan, ons het hierdie," stel hy hulle gerus.En: "Relax, we've got this," he reassures them.Af: Hul eerste stop is by Tsitsikamma.En: Their first stop is at Tsitsikamma.Af: Die lug is vol die geur van vars dennebome.En: The air is filled with the scent of fresh pine trees.Af: Kobus stel ’n piekniek voor.En: Kobus suggests a picnic.Af: Maar wolke begin saampak bo hul koppe.En: But clouds begin to gather above their heads.Af: "Kobus, dis lyk soos reën," waarsku Elmarie.En: "Kobus, it looks like rain," warns Elmarie.Af: "Ag, dis net ’n bietjie water," sê Kobus.En: "Oh, it's just a little water," says Kobus.Af: Maar kort voor lank, val die eerste druppels.En: But shortly after, the first drops start to fall.Af: Hulle hardloop terug na die bakkie.En: They run back to the pickup truck.Af: Hul plan was om onder die sterre te slaap, maar die weer het ander idees.En: Their plan was to sleep under the stars, but the weather had other ideas.Af: Pieter gooi grappe deur die reën.En: Pieter cracks jokes through the rain.Af: "Ons kan mos in ’n grot slaap, soos klipmaals," sê hy, probeer die spanning breek.En: "We could sleep in a cave like cavemen," he suggests, trying to lighten the mood.Af: Die groep lag, maar Kobus voel bekommerd.En: The group laughs, but Kobus feels worried.Af: Hy wil nie hê sy vriende moet ongelukkig wees nie.En: He doesn't want his friends to be unhappy.Af: Deur die reën en modder, sien hulle ligte.En: Through the rain and mud, they see lights.Af: ’n Klein houthuisie staan welkom daar.En: A small wooden cabin stands welcoming there.Af: Hulle klop aan en die eienaar, ’n vriendelike ou...