Unveiling Ancient Mysteries: A Hike to Historic Discovery

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Unveiling Ancient Mysteries: A Hike to Historic Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-ancient-mysteries-a-hike-to-historic-discovery Story Transcript:Af: Die son het helder geskyn oor Tafelberg.En: The sun shone brightly over Table Mountain.Af: Johann, Annelie en Kobus het opgewonde om die berg begin stap.En: Johann, Annelie, and Kobus began their hike up the mountain with excitement.Af: Die vars berglug het hul longe gevul en die pragtige uitsig het hul oë verras.En: The fresh mountain air filled their lungs, and the beautiful view dazzled their eyes.Af: "Lyk of die pad links toe gaan," sê Johann terwyl hy na die kaart kyk.En: "Looks like the path goes to the left," said Johann as he looked at the map.Af: Annelie het haar bril reggeskuif en ingestem.En: Annelie adjusted her glasses and agreed.Af: "Kom ons kyk wat daar is."En: "Let’s see what’s there."Af: Kobus het die voorpunt geneem.En: Kobus took the lead.Af: "Ek hoop ons vind iets opwindend."En: "I hope we find something exciting."Af: Hulle het deur rotse en smal paaie gestap.En: They hiked through rocks and narrow paths.Af: Skielik het Annelie gestop.En: Suddenly, Annelie stopped.Af: "Kyk daar!" roep sy uit.En: "Look there!" she exclaimed.Af: Voor hulle was 'n smal ingang na 'n grot. Dit het amper weggesteek onder wingerde en blare.En: In front of them was a narrow entrance to a cave, almost hidden under vines and leaves.Af: Johann het gebuk en sy kop deur die ingang gesteek.En: Johann bent down and poked his head through the entrance.Af: "Kom kyk," sê hy. "Hier is iets vreemds."En: "Come look," he said. "There's something strange in here."Af: Binne was die grot groot en donker.En: Inside, the cave was large and dark.Af: Maar teen die muur was helder kleure.En: But against the wall were bright colors.Af: Annelie het haar flits uitgehaal en die muur verlig.En: Annelie took out her flashlight and illuminated the wall.Af: Pragtige rotstekeninge het verskyn.En: Beautiful rock paintings appeared.Af: Diere, mense en vreemde simbole was oor die mure versprei.En: Animals, people, and strange symbols were spread across the walls.Af: Kobus het sy kop geskud.En: Kobus shook his head.Af: "Dit is ongelooflik. Hierdie tekeninge is antiek."En: "This is incredible. These paintings are ancient."Af: Johann het nader gestap.En: Johann stepped closer.Af: "Hoe oud dink jy is hulle?"En: "How old do you think they are?"Af: "Baie oud," antwoord Annelie, "Miskien duisende jare."En: "Very old," answered Annelie, "Maybe thousands of years."Af: Uiteindelik het hulle gesit en oor die tekeninge gepraat.En: They eventually sat and talked about the paintings.Af: Dit was duidelik dat hierdie plek geheim was en duurbare geskiedenis bevat het.En: It was clear that this place was secretive and held precious history.Af: Die drie vriende het gevoel asof hulle 'n skat gevind het.En: The three friends felt as if they had found a treasure.Af: Terwyl hulle die tekeninge bestudeer het, het hulle 'n nuwe respek vir die geskiedenis gekry.En: As they studied the paintings, they gained a new respect for history.Af: Hulle het geweet dat hulle iets spesiaals ontdek het wat die wêreld moet sien.En: They knew they had discovered something...