Unveiling the Echoes: Robben Island's Hidden Melodies

FluentFiction - Afrikaans - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Unveiling the Echoes: Robben Island's Hidden Melodies Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unveiling-the-echoes-robben-islands-hidden-melodies Story Transcript:Af: Die son skyn helder oor Robbeneiland terwyl die lente sy bloeisels oopmaak.En: The sun shines brightly over Robben Island as spring unveils its blossoms.Af: Die lug is skoon, en daar is 'n ligte briesie wat die sout van die see bring.En: The air is clear, and there is a light breeze carrying the salt of the sea.Af: Reinhardt sit by sy radio, sy oë gefokus op die skerms.En: Reinhardt sits by his radio, his eyes fixed on the screens.Af: 'n Sag maar herhalende sein het sy aandag getrek.En: A soft but repetitive signal has caught his attention.Af: Dit klop soos 'n geheimsinnige ritme vanaf die ou bunker onder die eiland.En: It pulses like a mysterious rhythm from the old bunker beneath the island.Af: Reinhardt is 'n amateur radio-entoesias.En: Reinhardt is an amateur radio enthusiast.Af: Hy het al baie vreemde seine gehoor, maar dié een is anders.En: He has heard many strange signals before, but this one is different.Af: Dit voel asof dit 'n verhaal wil vertel.En: It feels as if it wants to tell a story.Af: Hy kan nie sy nuuskierigheid onderdruk nie.En: He cannot suppress his curiosity.Af: Hy besluit om sy vriendin Anika te kontak.En: He decides to contact his friend Anika.Af: Anika is 'n geskiedkundige, altyd lus vir 'n nuwe storie wat ontbloot moet word.En: Anika is a historian, always eager for a new story to uncover.Af: Sy luister aandagtig na Reinhardt se verhaal oor die geheimsinnige sein.En: She listens attentively to Reinhardt's tale about the mysterious signal.Af: Die bunker is afgesper, sê die owerhede, maar vir Anika maak dit die idee nog meer aanloklik.En: The bunker is off-limits, the authorities say, but for Anika, that makes the idea even more enticing.Af: Hulle weet die risiko, maar die moontlikheid om die geskiedenis van Robbeneiland te verlig is eenvoudig te groot.En: They know the risk, but the possibility of shedding light on Robben Island's history is simply too great.Af: Op 'n helder Saterdag, met die reuk van lente in die lug, ontmoet Reinhardt en Anika by die ingang van die bunker.En: On a bright Saturday, with the scent of spring in the air, Reinhardt and Anika meet at the entrance of the bunker.Af: Die staaldeur kraak benoud oop, en 'n koue, klam atmosfeer omvou hulle.En: The steel door creaks open hesitantly, and a cold, damp atmosphere envelops them.Af: Sy wande is dank, en daar is 'n reuk van verrotting en roes.En: Its walls are dank, and there is a smell of decay and rust.Af: Hulle flitse skyn op ou toerusting, byna versteekte getuies van die verlede.En: Their flashlights beam onto old equipment, nearly hidden witnesses of the past.Af: Hoekom is die toerusting aan?En: Why is the equipment on?Af: vra Anika verbaas.En: Anika asks in surprise.Af: Reinhardt staar na die knoppies en meters wat liggies flits.En: Reinhardt stares at the buttons and meters gently flickering.Af: Dit is asof iemand 'n geestelike hand weer aangeskakel het.En: It's as if someone with a ghostly hand had turned them back on.Af: Hulle voel 'n spanning van spanning en verwondering.En: They feel a tension of excitement and wonder.Af: Hulle begin om die sein te dekodeer, gefokus op die skerm wat 'n ou melodie...