A Day in Dubrovnik: Tales from a Family's Restaurant Hustle

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Day in Dubrovnik: Tales from a Family's Restaurant Hustle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-day-in-dubrovnik-tales-from-a-familys-restaurant-hustle Story Transcript:Hr: Dubrovnik, stari grad.En: Dubrovnik, the old town.Hr: Lijepa mjesta, uske ulice, puno povijesti.En: Beautiful places, narrow streets, full of history.Hr: Ivana, Marko i Luka rade u malom obiteljskom restoranu.En: Ivana, Marko, and Luka work in a small family restaurant.Hr: Restoran je kod velikog trga.En: The restaurant is by the large square.Hr: Ima stare kamene zidove, male stolove i puno turista.En: It has old stone walls, small tables, and lots of tourists.Hr: Jednog dana, sunce sija, more plavo.En: One day, the sun is shining, the sea is blue.Hr: Marko priprema hranu u kuhinji.En: Marko is preparing food in the kitchen.Hr: Luka poslužuje goste.En: Luka is serving the guests.Hr: Ivana radi na blagajni.En: Ivana is working at the cash register.Hr: Restoran je pun ljudi.En: The restaurant is full of people.Hr: Gosti dolaze i odlaze.En: Guests come and go.Hr: Ivana i Luka su brat i sestra.En: Ivana and Luka are brother and sister.Hr: Marko je njihov prijatelj.En: Marko is their friend.Hr: Svi rade zajedno, rade naporno.En: They all work together, they work hard.Hr: Ali danas je poseban dan.En: But today is a special day.Hr: Velika skupina turista ulazi.En: A large group of tourists enters.Hr: Sve je gužva.En: Everything is bustling.Hr: Marko trči iz kuhinje, Luka nosi tanjure.En: Marko is running from the kitchen, Luka carries plates.Hr: Ivana broji novac.En: Ivana is counting money.Hr: Jedna žena priđe Ivani.En: A woman approaches Ivana.Hr: "Gdje je kupaonica?En: "Where is the bathroom?"Hr: " pita ona.En: she asks.Hr: Ivana se smiješi.En: Ivana smiles.Hr: "Desno, pa lijevo," kaže.En: "To the right, then left," she says.Hr: U kuhinji, Marku nestaje rajčica.En: In the kitchen, Marko runs out of tomatoes.Hr: "Luka, trebam rajčicu!En: "Luka, I need tomatoes!"Hr: " viče.En: he shouts.Hr: Luka trči van do tržnice.En: Luka runs out to the marketplace.Hr: Kupuje rajčicu i vraća se.En: He buys tomatoes and comes back.Hr: Marko završava jelo.En: Marko finishes the dish.Hr: Gosti su oduševljeni.En: The guests are delighted.Hr: Sve je usklađeno, harmonija.En: Everything is coordinated, harmonious.Hr: Kasnije popodne, svi su umorni.En: Later in the afternoon, everyone is tired.Hr: Restoran je prazan.En: The restaurant is empty.Hr: Ivana gleda oko sebe.En: Ivana looks around.Hr: "Danas je bio dobar dan," kaže.En: "Today was a good day," she says.Hr: Marko se smješka.En: Marko smiles.Hr: Luka klima glavom.En: Luka nods.Hr: "Ali sutra opet radimo," kaže Luka.En: "But tomorrow, we work again," says Luka.Hr: Noć pada.En: Night falls.Hr: Dubrovnik je tih.En: Dubrovnik is quiet.Hr: Restoran je zatvoren.En: The restaurant is closed.Hr: Ivana, Marko i Luka sjede zajedno.En: Ivana, Marko, and Luka sit together.Hr: Jednostavni obrok, priče i smijeh.