A Perfect Day at Dolac: Market Strolls and Serendipitous Finds

FluentFiction - Croatian - A podcast by FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Croatian: A Perfect Day at Dolac: Market Strolls and Serendipitous Finds Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-perfect-day-at-dolac-market-strolls-and-serendipitous-finds Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo na Dolac tržnici.En: The sun was shining on Dolac Market.Hr: Cvijetne tržnice su bile pune boja.En: The flower stalls were full of colors.Hr: Ana, Luka i Ivana šetali su među štandovima.En: Ana, Luka, and Ivana were walking among the stands.Hr: Tražili su svježe voće i povrće.En: They were looking for fresh fruit and vegetables.Hr: Miris kruha i povrća bio je svuda.En: The smell of bread and produce was everywhere.Hr: Ana je stala kod štanda s crvenim jabukama.En: Ana stopped at a stand with red apples.Hr: Prodavač se nasmiješio.En: The vendor smiled.Hr: "Želite li probati?En: "Would you like to try one?"Hr: " pitao je.En: he asked.Hr: Ana je uzela jednu jabuku.En: Ana took an apple.Hr: Bila je sočna i slatka.En: It was juicy and sweet.Hr: Luka je volio rajčice.En: Luka loved tomatoes.Hr: Vidio je crvene i žute rajčice.En: He saw red and yellow tomatoes.Hr: Kupio je dvije kile.En: He bought two kilos.Hr: Ivana je voljela rukotvorine.En: Ivana loved crafts.Hr: Šetala je između štandova sa suvenirima.En: She walked among the souvenir stalls.Hr: Vidjela je prekrasne narukvice i ogrlice.En: She saw beautiful bracelets and necklaces.Hr: "Ivane, pogledaj ovu narukvicu," rekla je Ana.En: "Ivana, look at this bracelet," Ana said.Hr: Ivana je uzela narukvicu.En: Ivana took the bracelet.Hr: Bila je od srebra, s plavim kamenčićima.En: It was made of silver, with blue stones.Hr: "Baka bi voljela ovo," rekla je Ivana.En: "Grandma would love this," Ivana said.Hr: Kupila je narukvicu za svoju baku.En: She bought the bracelet for her grandmother.Hr: Svi su bili zadovoljni svojim kupnjama.En: Everyone was satisfied with their purchases.Hr: Dok su hodali, začuli su glazbu.En: As they walked, they heard music.Hr: Mali bend je svirao tradicionalnu glazbu.En: A small band was playing traditional music.Hr: Luka je zaplesao.En: Luka started to dance.Hr: Ana i Ivana su se smijale.En: Ana and Ivana laughed.Hr: Bilo je toplo, veselo jutro.En: It was a warm, cheerful morning.Hr: Na kraju, sjeli su na male stolice.En: In the end, they sat on small chairs.Hr: Jeli su svježe voće i peciva.En: They ate fresh fruit and pastries.Hr: Gledali su kako ljudi prolaze.En: They watched people pass by.Hr: Smijali su se i pričali.En: They laughed and talked.Hr: "Volim ovakva jutra," rekla je Ana.En: "I love mornings like this," Ana said.Hr: Luka i Ivana su se složili.En: Luka and Ivana agreed.Hr: Sunce je polako zalazilo.En: The sun was slowly setting.Hr: Tržnica je postajala tiša.En: The market was becoming quieter.Hr: Vratili su se kući s punim torbama.En: They returned home with their bags full.Hr: I srcima punim radosti.En: And their hearts full of joy.Hr: To je bio savršen dan na Dolcu.En: It was a perfect day at Dolac. Vocabulary Words:shining: sjalomarket: tržnicastalls:...